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RE: If You Want To Blow Your Mind, Watch This Video of Brock Pierce

in #brockpierce7 years ago

Mind absolutely blown @stellabelle but probably not for the same reasons as many here. I feel compelled to explain just a bit as to why. (first, I do not believe in coincidence)

I left state government service in 1995, washed my hands of the entire vile system, moved myself and children to a secluded mountain hide-away and dropped out of mainstream society all together.

However, in 1997 I was found and approached by a representative of the Kellogg Foundation. The reason was explained quite well by Brock Pierce in this video. when he ran the piece from the NBC news clip from 1995. The person who approached me asked if I would be a part of a task force to help those living in rural America. Without much explanation except that the task force was going to be fully funded by a MIRA (Managing Information for Rural America) Grant. (Although on the flight home I discovered the funding actually came initially from the Rand Corp.)

All expense trip to Kalamazoo Michigan (yes, I found out there really is a place called Kalamazoo), was set up in a five-star hotel for a weeks worth of work with approx. 100 other people.

In a general assembly the first morning we were given the task at hand and were divided into several work groups. The TASK? It seems there was this new technology called the Internet and it was not something being adopted readily by the general public. We were challenged to find a way to make it more appealing and to get it to every household and business across the nation.

Long story short, the rest is history!

I am really glad you posted this just at the right time for me. Maybe someday I'll explain that part a little better ;)