The pressing need for a national inquiry into Rape Gangs.

in #britain2 months ago

Despite many attempts by the State and elements in the mainstream media to suppress the story of the Islamic Rape Gangs that have plagued the United Kingdom for decades, it’s now a story that is now very much out in the open. This horrific scandal, which involves gangs of Muslim men sexually exploiting children, examples of which can be found from the early 1960’s onwards, has come back into the limelight recently thanks in large part to the work of X CEO Elon Musk and reporters such as Charlie Peters in publicising it.

However what Mr Peters and Mr Musk are doing is highlighting a problem that others such as Tommy Robinson have been talking about for years and who have been shat upon by successive UK governments for doing so. The type of horrific crimes that Mr Musk and Mr Peters are doing their utmost to bring to and keep in the public eye are the same crimes that people like Mr Robinson were talking about well over a decade ago.

Many of us who have followed this story for ten years or more have been fully aware of the scandalous way that White British, Hindu and Sikh girls have been targeted by these Islamic Rape Gangs. We have also been aware of both the failure of the agencies of the state such as police and social services to protect these children and young women and in some cases how these agencies have actively colluded with these gangs.

These Islamic Rape Gangs are a massive scar on our society. They show up starkly the Establishment’s willingness to throw children and young women under the bus in order to prop up their failing multicultural ideology and the rampant classism of the Establishment that treats the victims of these gangs like scum.

These gangs are very much Labour’s problem. They are Labour’s problem because the vast majority of these Islamic Rape Gang atrocities are happening in local areas which Labour either control or otherwise have significant influence in and where there are Islamic communities that Labour rely on to keep them in power.

When the Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer ordered his MP’s to vote with the government in rejecting Tory calls for a national inquiry into the Islamic Rape Gangs there was immediate suspicion among many members of the public that the Government rejected this call for an inquiry because of what it might or rather would reveal. However the rejection of the call for a national inquiry into the rape gangs hasn’t made this story go away, on the contrary it has heightened interest in it and disgust at the rape gangs that were allowed to operate for so very many years.

But despite the rejection of the idea of an inquiry an inquiry we ultimately must have. We need to know the full extent of the crimes of these gangs, where they have been operating, who the gangs had paid or intimidated to turn a blind eye and who failed to act for reasons of political correctness.

Such an inquiry needs to cover the entirety of Great Britain and Northern Ireland because the problem of Islamic Rape Gangs is so deep seated and widespread. Any inquiry into Islamic Rape Gangs needs to have witness subpoena powers to compel police, councillors, council officers, social workers, NHS staff and others to give evidence on what they did or rather didn’t do when they were confronted with Islamic Rape Gang activity in their areas.

Of course it will and has been said that there have already been local inquiries in places like Rotherham and Oxford where there have been big Islamic Rape Gang problems as well as a national general inquiry into child sexual exploitation. But these local inquiries were by their nature local and didn’t take into account any broader picture of Islamic Rape Gang activity. Also the national general inquiry into child sexual abuse did not focus that much on organised child sexual exploitation. A national inquiry that looks specifically at Islamic Rape Gangs is what is needed because that is a specific problem in itself that needs to be examined in detail.

I want to see prosecutions of those public servants who either turned a blind eye to Islamic Rape Gangs or colluded with them for either career advancement, political or ideological reasons or for a quieter life. But we can’t get to the stage of prosecutions for decision makers or admonishment and shaming for those public servants with lower levels of culpability, without solid information and evidence and a national public inquiry into Islamic Rape Gangs would in my view be the way to proceed.

The Islamic Rape Gang atrocity needs to be fully and completely exposed to the public gaze in order for this problem to be tackled. I don’t buy the excuses made by some that we can’t have a national public inquiry whilst recommendations from previous local and generic child sexual exploitation reports have not yet been implemented. It should be perfectly possible for the recommendations regarding safeguarding to be put in place while this separate inquiry into the rape gangs is going on.

It’s going to be a massive job to find out the extent of the Islamic Rape Gang problems and prosecute both the rapists themselves and those who’ve facilitated them. In a way because the problem is so huge tackling it is going to have some similarities to de-Nazification in post WWII Germany. Everyone involved or suspected of being involved in the cover up of these gangs need to be examined to determine the degree of guilt and culpability, to apportion blame and where necessary punish those who have turned a blind eye to the rape gangs or colluded with them.

We know the situation with regards to Islamic Rape Gangs is truly awful and these gangs have been allowed to operate for decades but we cannot properly know the full extent of these crimes until there is a full inquiry. We cannot punish the guilty or help more of those who have been afflicted by the activities of these gangs without the evidence to do so.

Starmer may have managed to reject the call for an inquiry this time but this problem isn’t going away. We are now at the stage where some Labour MP’s and senior political figures are starting to break ranks and join the call for a proper examination of this problem. Some of them may genuinely be horrified at this awful scandal and others may obviously see problems on the horizon for themselves if they continue to cleave to Starmer’s party line on the subject of an inquiry. However no matter what the reason for these Labour figures starting to see the value of an inquiry it’s still good to see MP’s and others making the right choice and support the setting up of a national inquiry into rape gangs.

The Islamic Rape Gangs have shattered the lives of their victims and their families and the inaction of our political class when confronted with this problem shames the nation in the eyes of the world. This problem cannot continue to be buried again as it was buried in the past. We need a national inquiry into this issue now. We must have no more cover ups about this issue.