How i made my Yi'ingo warrior illustration for the Bring Ahe'ey to life challenge

in #bringaheeytolife9 years ago (edited)

Good afternoon steemit, I wanted to share my Yi'ingo warrior with you guys and my process for making it.
Supplies: sketchbook/piece of paper preferably artist grade paper , hot pressed watercolor paper or design paper.

A slightly wide brush, Wide enough to coat your size paper easily.
(Black ink preferably liquid acrylic ink, but you can use sumi or Indians ink.
Crow quill or something to ink with (micron/brush pen so on, but if you want your lines to have this look u'll have to try a crow quill)

To start I've found some references that I'm happy with and I'm gonna start piecing them together on the page, I always start with the head because it's a nice measurement to draw the rest of the form. (This drawing is 3 heads wide and 3 heads tall

It's been some time and I've finished most of the sketch. If you guys would like more guides on the drawing part let me know.

I've began inking, I start with the face and areas I'm confident with, over time I'll start inking the more complicated and confusing areas later on when more of the illustration has been figured out.

Here I've inked most of the outer form

I've drawn the hair pattern which was a little difficult because I had to mix and match some photos but it worked out well.
Now I've detailed the wood she's sitting on and a chunk of area around her, trying to keep my lines loose and varied in width [i've made a guide for wood []

I also began to add golden and copper highlights
I've bolded the outside form and added an intense sun/moon form to the corner of the piece

I've added in bits of black in her outfit to add contrast and make it a workable black and white image
And now I'm gonna fill in the sky

Here's the finished product, I'm very happy with the way it came out


Impressive inkwork I will follow your work.

@jamielefay I saw his story board and think i understand his look and style. But Can you also tell me everything and anything you can about gabriel that could help make the drawing really fit the literature. Like if you want to give me specifics on clothes, a type of pose, a facial expersion, maybe even if he would be in a forest or building or if you just want me to draw him by himself. Anything and everythijh you can think of would be helpful"

Hi! Sure. I'm delighted to provide more detail.

Here is a download. I give you two options. Please let me know if any of these will be enjoyable to draw and if they suit your style. I can come up with other scenarios if you prefer.

  • Option 1) The city skyline and full moon as a backdrop. Gabriel in a suit (dark blue, no black). Shirt sleeves cover his knuckles; he hides the tattoos on his hands. Eyes are important. Glow is important.

  • Option 2) Two identical faces. One wears a goatee (Gabriel), the other is clean shaven (Sathian). One has cyan eyes (Gabriel), the other green eyes (Sathian). Sathian lost an eye, in its place, darkness. Sathian looks darker and evil. Moon as a backdrop.
    Explanation: Sathian is Gabriel’s ancestor. Sathian looks exactly like Gabriel, but he is clean shaven and lost an eye on the same day that he lost his mind and did some despicable things. Gabriel is haunted by the evil caused by his ancestor. The Ahe’ey do not trust Gabriel because he looks like Sathian and he is a Royal Ange’el just like Sathian.

The vision board and the latest competition post include everything else. Please try to keep to the colours of the Ange’el (as per vision board). No red or gold if possible, just white, blues, greens and everything in between.

The above assumes the same style of illustration as the two previous submissions. I cover Gabriel's face in the vision board. Here is what I usually use as a reference for Sathian's facial expression:

Hope this helps. Thank you once again, J

This is going to be good. I should have guessed that the image in your head for Sathian is the God of Mischief himself. But Sathian feels much darker than Loki when I read Ahe'ey.

Looks, not necessarily character traits.... we will find out more about Sathian's past soon ;)

Very helpful, 1 question, the two faces illustration sounds intresting, so are you think like just two floating faces or its up to me? And in regards to the coty skyline and moon, would he ever be standimg on top of a building, or is he just down on the street or in the distance with the city behind him, like is he hiding from anything?

just two floating faces or its up to me?
Up to you.

would he ever be standimg on top of a building, or is he just down on the street
Down on the street or at the balcony of his expensive penthouse near Central Park.

like is he hiding from anything?

Thank you so much @gavicrane. J

thank you

Fierce eyes and strong power pose. Very nice! Thank you @gavicrane. Your work is striking. J.

So was this along the lines of what you were looking for?

Firstly, it's beautiful; your style is stunning and unique. It brings depth, texture and richness to the story. Yes, I think it can represent a Yi'ingo warrior. I love the second photo the most, the sketch before some of the embellishments. It's a clean and simple foundation. Some minor comments: Sky as a warrior wouldn't have long nails (but this is a really minor thing). She would probably wear this outfit—all the jewellery, the dark lip, the richly braided hair—in a special day, perhaps in a ceremony.
I like that this Sky is a little older than the one submitted previously. The character should look like she is in the mid to late twenties (in reality she is older, but the Ahe'ey have good genes and live longer than humans). Excellent work, J.

@jamielefay glad to hear it,i embelished the details because thats just sort of standar with fantasy concept and character art, but things like colors and lips nd length of nails and certain details can be fixed and tweeked in post production on photoshop once i get a scan if you end up picking it

"Can i also do one of gabriel?" - I'm honoured, grateful and uncontrollably excited!!! :) BTW the wings may or may not appear later in the novel (avoiding spoilers here). The Gabriel we have met to date, has a certain glow but looks like a human. A very good looking human. Thank you, J.

@jamielefay I saw his story board and think i understand his look and style. But Can you also tell me everything and anything you can about gabriel that could help make the drawing really fit the literature. Like if you want to give me specifics on clothes, a type of pose, a facial expersion, maybe even if he would be in a forest or building or if you just want me to draw him by himself. Anything and everythijh you can think of would be helpful

Perfect! Thank you so much, J.

Can i also do one of gabriel?