Today is #bricksaturday for the #sevendaysoutside challenge by the lovely @erikah
The Merchants National Bank building in Grinnell, Iowa is one of the eight small town Midwestern "jewel-box" banks designed by legendary American architect, Louis Sullivan. Sullivan was a mentor to Frank Lloyd Wright.
The bank was constructed in 1914 for $60,000 and served as a bank until 1999. It is now used as the Grinnell Visitor Center.
These are the days and the categories
for the #sevendaysoutside challenge.
#WindowMonday – Windows
#DoorTuesday – Doors
#RustArtWednesday – Rust
#GateThursday – Gates
#StatueFriday – Statues
#BrickSaturday – Bricks (bricks only, no pavement elements or cobblestones please)
#StreetlampSunday – Street Lamps
Make sure you write a description of the photo you are posting. Share as much details as you can, like where that statue is placed (in a park, at a museum), what it represents etc. Make it enjoyable.
Use the #sevendaysoutside tag along with the daily tag and tag me, @erikah!
Goes without saying that you can only use your own photos. No paintings, no drawings, no digital art please! There is no prize here, this is just for fun.
Here is the link for this week's Shadow Contest
Laundry Shadows-Round 38
Proud to be a member of The Steemians Directory

Great dear
you welcome my lovely friend :)
very interesting to read
Thsnk you!
thank you also for your support
very good post it @melinda010100
Thank you!
I love the clock, wonderful entries!
Isn't that clock great? I loved it too.
Yeah, it is indeed, catches the eye immediately.
Love the little details on the building. And that lobby shot looks like Bonnie and Clyde are about to come through the door... very classic 1900 bank lobby
Small town banks all had that same feeling about them, didn't they? This one had more architectural pizzazz than most. It was fun to see!
i love the bank and very beautiful clock. you have done wonderful work, love your style friend. ❤😊❤
cool times
Oooh that's really nice. i especially like the tile around the clock!
howdy there melinda010100! oh man...I love this type of architecture and building. But built with $60,000? hahaha wow that's amazing.
I guess a dollar bought a bit more than than it does now! I love the craftsmanship on the building, so much detail.
howdy again melinda010100! oh yes, those gold colored columns? wow those are amazing. And I don't think they make buildings with ornate carvings and such on them anymore do they? At least I haven't seen them.
I don't know how many master craftsman there are around anymore that can do that kind of stone work!
I suspect it has become something of a lost art..., or even if there are artesians who know how to do that it's probably so pricey that you wouldn't be able to afford to do a whole building!
yes Ma'am but it would be worth it if anyone could still do it, I would think. I mean for cultural reasons alone.
It is pretty darn amazing!
oh thank you melinda010100! I try, I really do. Oh you mean the buildings with custom carvings? Yeah they're ok too! lol.