Why a Hung parliament? Another general election sets precedence towards democracy

in #brexit8 years ago

Britian has got another hung parliament, who say that coming well I certainly didn't. I can tell there will be alot of tories disgruntled and despondent voters, this was supposed to be a landslide victory for Theresa May one that would have almost certainly given her the title of the "Iron Lady". but it looks like the electorals had a different agenda and we've got ourselves an old fashioned coalition to lead the No 10.

I must say it was not the expected outcome the country was expecting and It certainly was not something I would liked to see, it just doesn't add up another hung parliament after the last one we had in 2010. Lets see some facts is this what the public want to see again, to see a minority partisan have a say over the legislations and the countries outlook towards Brexit. This is not democracy at it's best. two parties with different agendas cannot lead towards a mutal goal, there will always be clash of interest and potential lack of credibility towards the minority parties ability to lead.

The nation must address their concerns and is this the right option, to ensure Britain's best interest on the road to Brussells. There has to be some element of control and accountability for labour in this campaign to ensure what is best for Britain. I for once am not a supporting of a coalition government, it is bring level of instability towards the whole establishment and forces more panic decisions just for the sake of being in government. I would have loved the idea of seeing another general election because this is what a democratic society needs in the event of a deadlock. It brings the electorals a chance to reflect and see what is best way forward. It is the democratic way, I would have loved to see a labour government, it my opinion that from what other parties are offering, Labour had what it requires to make Britain a success in Brexit.

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