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RE: Consider This A Goodbye

in #breast7 years ago

I'm not leaving because I can't make enough money. I can if I just decide to play the game the same way as most. I am leaving because I am starting to run out of money, and if I do not leave, I will end up acting in a way I do not want to in order to make more of it. Plus there are a number of other things I did not touch on, but in essence, I know that if I stay here I will become a shitter person.

I have reconsidered many times already, and I don't plan to again until the situation is vastly different.

Thanks for the words though. And I hope that you get what you want from this platform. I already got what I needed.


Without you going into the other topics, I can imagine at least some of them what they are. I try to not watch it, sometimes even fight it which I do recently. But continue with the stuff I like to publish. I actually think this social experience will show that something with good intentions by those who did not create the network at day one (they have a different agenda, I'm pretty sure) will become a bot network with some humans left who only take care of themselves. So nice experiment, but with a failed mark at some point in time. I wish you all the best with your new projects.

I'm getting to learn some very interesting people with which I can do business outside Steemit, my main purpose of being here with Steemit. I get sucked in a bit more than I wanted, but whatever I do here, is also to test things, like my second account that I dedicate to sharing quality music. I love to do that, although it doesnt bring rewards. But who knows, maybe in a couple of months time, it is more appreciated. I give it some time, 5 to 6 months. When it didn't work, I learned from it at least.