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RE: Choose happiness

in #breakstigma2 years ago

Beautifully said. However I would add that suffering is not optional but the degree of suffering and the length of that suffering is maybe you meant to say. If not then ok you're right. Buddha said and I'm paraphrasing here, ya know. "check it out y'all. There's 2 kinds of illness. Physical and mental. Some cats can get down felling the greatness of no physical illness. Maybe for a cpl day, cpl weeks, or a cpl hundred yrs. But dig. Rarely will there be someone can enjoy freedom from mental illness even for a minute."

That's where his teaching of meditation comes into play. And with that practice comes perfect mental health. Buddha's method of Meditation is misunderstood I believe. I have talked with a lot of mtr fkrs about meditation and they seem to think that when someone meditates the are escaping off to never never land. Escaping in some mystical trance & shit.

You and I have tried this together. Its not for me ya always say. I disagree and know you can do it. Especially more so now than a year ago.. I love you with all of my being. And I will help you in your meditation. I will help you greet that or those voices and to let them let you have your time. You are beautiful, generous, loving and amazing. I love seeing your transformation its the second most beautiful thing I have witnessed in my life!!!


When I say "suffering is optional" what I mean is that I am responsible to implement whatever I need to implement in order to minimize or eliminate my suffering. I have the option of staying in the shit or doing what it takes to get out. I think that getting into a practice, whether it be meditation or taking a walk every day, is the way to let go of burdens that keep us stuck. I love you Yeti.