Spirit of Aqsa - Gaza | 90 times the Israeli military dropped its missiles at several points in Gaza with F-16 fighter planes, five of them crashed around the Indonesian Hospital in Bayt Lahiya, North Gaza, which were damaged since Friday night (27/10)
As a result of this all-night attack, seven civilians were reported injured and are currently undergoing treatment.
Previous air strikes had been launched by factions against the Palestinians into the Israeli colony. The mutual air raid took place shortly after Six Palestinians were martyred in a number of clashes on the border with Israeli soldiers.
This incident occurred in the midst of an increasingly hot situation on the border of the Gaza Strip, where since the commencement of the #GreatReturnMarch or the Returning Act action 213 Palestinians were martyred while injuries reached more than 20,000 people.
Every Friday, Palestinians hold large-scale actions so that refugees can return to their ancestral homeland which has become an Israeli colony.
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Spirit of Aqsa - Gaza | 90 kali militer Israel menjatuhkan rudalnya ke beberapa titik di Gaza dengan pesawat tempur F-16, lima rudal diantaranya jatuh disekitaran Rumah Sakit Indonesia yang berada di Bayt Lahiya, Gaza Utara sehingga mengalami kerusakan sejak Jum'at malam (27/10)
Akibat serangan semalam suntuk ini, tujuh warga sipil dilaporkan terluka dan kini sedang menjalani perawatan.
Sebelumnya serangan udara telah dilancarkan oleh faksi perlawan Palestina ke daerah jajahan Israel. Aksi saling balas serangan udara ini terjadi tak lama setelah Enam warga Palestina gugur syahid dalam sejumlah bentrokan di perbatasan dengan tentara Israel.
Insiden ini terjadi di tengah situasi yang kian panas di perbatasan jalur Gaza, dimana sejak dimulainya aksi #GreatReturnMarch atau Kepulangan Akbar sudah 213 warga Palestina gugur syahid sedangkan luka-luka mencapai lebih 20 ribu orang.
Setiap Jumat, warga Palestina menggelar aksi besar-besaran agar para pengungsi dapat kembali ke kampung halaman nenek moyang mereka yang kini sudah menjadi daerah jajahan Israel.
Bantu saudara kita di Palestina