in #brain6 years ago

Stop. Just stop for a while. Close your eyes and allow me to show you something extraordinarily ordinary. Do not take a deep breath but close your eyes for there are chances that you may go berzerk. Bear with me the next few minutes to understand the nastiest joke you would ever come across.
49e66d65a58438a9dbcc238506cf620f.jpgUpon closing your eyes what do you see? Eerie darkness filled with swarms of illuminating yet not bright particles. Am I close? These seem to light up the darkness within. But do we see it, when our eyes are already closed?
Moreover, can darkness be seen as the sight mandates the presence of light? So what is going on? It is your brain gone clueless to put in simple terms.
Now open your eyes. Yes, now you see everything around, and it makes sense. As soon as you see something you would want to do something about it. To think about it or not to, to look at it or not to, to touch it or not to, to lick or kick it or not to, to sniff it or not to and many such wobbly dangling decisions at your nothing less than a king’s discretion. Enough of the shit, right?

7d02e28e94a2b0e84ba121d8578ac613.jpgTaking an unanimous consent that we all have had spent a considerable part of our lives in front of mirror and some ‘Amazon folks’ in water, figuring out whether we are presentable, very enlightened and crack sapiens would have pondered about the positioning of their brain, (I bet that pet dogs and cats who jump in the air when suddenly a mirror is brought in front of them in funny videos had got an answer to that in the same way as he ran naked out of his tub when Archimedes got his own, Eureka!!), Why on the top,why not below or behind,left or right,why not anywhere else(however we have certain references for witnessing the brain sometimes between the legs, in the stomach, in the knees, etc.). The answer lies in the movie, in which a character is shown manning a robot from within it’s ‘ skull’.
f4987a165efa5c036791697ee8eb13df.jpgThat one day I was deep asleep with my eyes open when I suddenly found this question and an urge to find the answer. I did nothing, sat by myself and thought without thinking, moved my hands without any necessity and did some wave in an ocean moves, saw everywhere without a purpose and observing things without ascertaining any judgements, kicked a butt or two in the air, tasted the water and drank light.
ff191529cdacbc6746dde44e08e2a6a2.jpg However, it wasn’t making any sense to the brain even with my eyes open and limbs moving as this is what we do most of the time. Frowned after a while at my foolishness and fearing disrespect of neglect, it spoke the truth, and the eureka moment was supposedly here.It whispered ‘I am the “physical” carrier of your body, I make the decisions for your body, I am the master of your senses, sensory and olfactory and others too, controlling limbs and bones through veins and blood, generating pulse and disseminating the electricity across your body so that it may function in darkness within, I tell your organs the need and the work to be done in order to satisfy those, I am the king and rest are my subordinates, they serve me and I serve them , but above all we serve “you”, and thus I am placed in a skull so hardened to protect me , and a pair of limbs taking me ,taking me wherever I wish to go , it is the grand design to be found in most of the species (however there are specific references to witnessing brain between ……..,) no matter what you do I am always at work, not because it’s my duty but because it is my nature designed as such.’

I was patiently into this quiet moment of self-talk when it proclaimed that “ the entire body which you care about is nothing but a carriage for me.” What are we carrying with ourselves ….our brains indeed? So next time while I would want to munch on some chips, I would immediately know the grandmaster wants to chill for a while sitting in the company of my fingers, tongue, teeth participating meticulously in the act, in the cosy hardened skull and fill my belly with a to be converted into shit chips. Chomp chomp chomp!!
is (11).jpgThe entire world in real sense is a manifestation of brain’s work, the entire world of emotions reflected in our cultures are different sections of brain, and the entire illusion of world is of the belief of brain as self-capacitive, otherwise with closed eyes, and no signals to and from the brain ,where is the world that we tirelessly care about.
0e6be55168daf0082d4ede7c9f2101e4.jpgSo we are on a planet of brains, big,small,tiny,placed from top to bottom, whose work we have identified as language, philosophy, music, science, society, arts, and above all the faculty of religion which we refer to as human endeavours, and enthusiasts from Discovery and Animal Planet are trying to figure out brains of other organisms , and are able to do so with much ease. Guess why for yourself. Also, it is these brains, whose bodies we have called as rulers, slaves, soldiers, thinkers, revolutionaries, fat, lazy, sexy, scientists, doctors, astronauts, and all other professions to name a few.
a4a7aeaa3ef8ebd851da54b86872ab09.jpgHowever, from this craziness, concepts like free will and ethics arose that complicates the existence of the brain. As the brain can be tamed in a particular fashion depending upon the external environment and inert will and depends upon its workaholic nature the status we achieve in life, but then the matters become worse as we begin to think in the direction until our “self” speaks up. What the heck, two voices? What is going on? Many cannot take the duality because their brain will not risk the threat to an alter ego,and thus many of us think the brain as the self. Getting boringly confused, aren’t you? I know, so the self-part is way too nasty to be discussed along right now, and I would lay it to rest for other times.
1_BlNM6mAIilkm-x579uslxQ.jpegTreading on this journey, I have restrained complexity with the use of more straightforward language and less jargon as you see, language itself is so vast and limitless and idiotic at times, yet it is just an iota of ‘our’ creations. The effort here is to take you into a zone where you can think beyond brain that you are capable of. HOW?. The next time when you are deep into thoughts of making decisions, of whether to say yes to a project or a partner, whether to go eating outside or stay back home, whether to be selfish or philanthropist, whether to be dope and swagger or a nerdy introvert, whether to pick a fight or let go, whether to feel just to feel jealous and competitive and surround yourselves with the mounds of comparison, and whether to fall in line or to be rebellious and end number of bubbles popping within, we are in a constant flux of consistent pumping blood in our brains, generating loads of buzz inside and our brain is at work, for it cannot stop, it needs anything to do, literally anything. In that moment stop for a while and see for yourself, you are in the process of creating a personality which sometimes you are proud of and not so much in other times, no matter how great world feels about you, you know your fragility deep within ,you know that you aren’t that great and sometimes you think stuffs that stink, you visualize things that you don’t even want to, you bless yourself and curse too, but folks don’t get disheartened as it is the random activity that brain is involved in, it has no meaning of its own . For it is the culturing through generations that we have ascertained values to our physical actions, which prompts us to feel in a particular way in a particular timescape whose clarifications cannot be sought in other times. For example, the male brain thinks it is far more superior and mightier than that of female brain, white brain to slave black brain, high caste and class brain to oppress lower ones, a brain with a gun in hand thinks it is no less than god and thus forming a chain of control mechanism, a celebrity brain thinks it is next to god for it garners attention of so many brains, a wish to establish control beyond the boundaries of one body to the colony of other host bodies, in a similar fashion as of parasites and imperialists, to suck off others to get boozy fat and to feel a sense of pride. It is in this backdrop, that a mere brain becomes the reason for anxiety ,fear, nervousness,insanity,bigotry,prejudice and falling social order for pessimists and joy,confidence, honesty, valour, bravery, intelligence,unity for optimistic ones,for we have ascertained value to our brain way beyond its worth. Does it matter? CHILL. Let it be as it is for the moment and recall what you just read.
123bf35a7fbbca1f861a9b258f8c3cdb.jpgThere are still many grey areas that can fill entire pages of a thesis which Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos together with their dollars and cryptos cannot buy and wrap the moon around with which they would readily agree. Such vastness is locked within these skulls that the space might get flooded with the knowledge it produces. The darkness within when we close our eyes is same as the dark matter found in space, not many top brains can deny to that as space is infinite, there’s no limit to the brain too.
228e16bffeaaf653d3eb786dac87f575.jpgYou must be searching the nastiest joke all the way. Take a deep breath this time, close your eyes and go berzerk cause’ it is all a joke. You-me is only blessed enough to share this joke amongst ourselves and call it a night again. So when you lie down, you see how amazing is the structure you are built in, when you get up and walk the next morning think about the body as a carriage and your brain on the top and intact, only this time you shall enjoy the ride more😊
