
Recently i watched a youtube video of mcgregor sparring with chris van heerden, and he got schooled. Mcgregor seemed to struggle with van heerdens footwork and ability to create angles, and against mayweather its going to be a 100 times worse.

Mayweather is older and he is not as fast as he used to be, but he is still fast. Although he does use his reflexes to complement his defence, they are not his whole defence. Mayweather once compared himself to roy jones saying something along the lines of, once his (roy jones) legs and reflexes go, roy is finished, but i will always have the fundamentals of my defence to cover up for the loss of my speed. I think he was right.

You were 100% right about it being an uphill task to find the key points for mcgregor winning , but i think you nailed it, if he is to win mcgregor has to utilise all the key factors you mentioned, take the boxing out of the fight and make it a war, but be smart about it, let go of flurries of punches and only put all his power behind the odd punch, the ones that have the best chance of landing.

Mayweather has not fought in two years but he has a world class stable of fighters signed to his mayweather promotions, i would very surprised if he does not spar with these guys regularly in order to pass on some of his knowledge to the younger up and coming fighters, which would have the added benefits of keeping him sharp and in shape.

Overall i think mayweather will win, but if mcgregor does he'll have earned his place among Cuchulain and Finn McCool. Great post i enjoyed reading it.

The closer this fight gets, the more I feel that Conor has a chance to actually win. Although it's a very slim chance b/c it would have to be a knockout. He's simply not going to out point Floyd over 12 rounds.

Agree about Conor managing his energy. I remember in the 2nd Diaz fight Conor's corner repeatedly yelling to "Stay patient" at Conor. Boxing is slightly different than MMA in the fact that there's really nowhere to hide to take a quick breather. You can get a quick blow up against the cage or if your in guard, but in boxing you don't have that opportunity.

The only time I've ever seen Floyd in what I would consider a war was the first Maidana fight. As soon as he got cut, it bothered Floyd. Maidana made him uncomfortable and I remember Floyd repeatedly complaining to the ref while they were in the clinch. Maidana roughed him up, dirty boxed and tried to smother Floyd. Connor will need to do something similar. Maidana wa also the much bigger man in that fight, which might be an interesting thing to keep an eye on. I agree 100%, if Conor has any chance at all, he's got to rough Floyd up and get him out of his game.

I loved the Prince, and Joe Cortez actually compared Conor's style to the Prince. This could be telling b/c the Prince was just about as awkward as you could get inside the squared circle.

I've learned to never doubt Conor. Confidence and belief in yourself can take you to the mountaintop in this life, but my head just screams that Floyd's skills are just too much. They absolutely are, no question. But what Floyd will we see? As you mentioned, father time catches up to all of us, and when he catches us, it happens quickly. If we see something resembling Floyd as we know him, he'll win handily, but if father time's grasp has fell upon Floyd, we might just see something we'll tell our grand kids stories about tomorrow night.

I am super excited about this match!
I still don't think conor will win but it seems to me the longer the fight goes the less chance he has to win. It seems to me if he is going to win that he needs to win early with some crazy powerful moves. I think he is a true warrior and thus always has a chance for victory. Though he is going up against almost a perfect technical boxer in a ring he is not used to.
Its going to be the hail marry type move that is going to get him a win if he does win.
Another good article.

Excellent article. Well written and thorough.

I think you're right, it is hard to make a case for McGregor. Mayweather wants everything in his favour from the size of the ring to the size of the gloves. Additionally McGregor has never boxed twelve, three minute rounds - and never boxed at a decent level.

However, there is always the freak occurrence. The slip, the dropped hand at the wrong time, the sucker punch.

My head says Mayweather wins in the middle rounds, my heart wants McGregor to knock him out.

Let's all hope it lives up to the hype.

Great post. I love all your coverage on this fight🌞 who do you think will win and who do you want to win?!?

Thanks! I managed to get a prediction video in before the fight and actually called the fight correct!

(Struggling to keep up with the comments, mind you!)

McGregor has ONLY ONE OPTION - Step in and Land a Brutal Left while taking a punch from Mayweather.
You say - Be Unconventional - YES. He can't box with Mayweather. He has to trade punches - punch for punch -
Mayweather will not be able to go toe-to-toe or punch-for-punch.
Mayweather will take more damage with this tactical approach by McGregor.
However, I don't think this will happen.
Mayweather will simply out-box McGregor and Win by Decision.

Mayweather will win.
If this fight was mma mayweather would not make it past the 2nd round.

My husband is a boxing and mma nut, fought in his younger days and he orders all the fights. it makes him happy and i could care less, but i've had a few friends ask me this week if we were ordering this fight and want to come over to watch it, which I thought was very strange and really peaked my interest. so i had to ask him why this fight was so important and he showed me the Toronto press conference, lol, wow!! now i want to see this fight and i want MacGregor to win! :)

Rush in and try to land that left hand... or Floyd will dance around him and counter attack like a BOSS!

People are thinking that Mayweather is the 35 year old Mayweather. He is not. He is the 41 year old Mayweather. He was retired. He was not anticipating fighting again. Sure he had a few months to prepare, but when your mindset is not in keeping in shape, you will not get in the same shape ever again, especially at his age. It is a mental thing.

It will be close early as Mayweather will run and box to stay out of reach of McGregor. McGregor will need to use his strength to hold and hit Mayweather inside. And not use all his energy to go for a knockout early. If he traps Mayweather and mauls him and goads him into that style of fight, McGregor will win. If Mayweather runs the whole fight (and I don't think he can be in that kind of shape to do that) and boxes from the outside, he will win. A clash of styles that makes this fight interesting.

I am predicting a McGregor win and a bloody win at that. However, the style will make the fight. Whoever is the strongest mentally will overcome.

p.s. the above evaluation is based on a fair fight. My 2nd prediction is that Mayweather needs the money and is going to dump. Let's see if I am wrong twice.

I think Mayweather will win. Boxing is boxing.

Yes there will McGregor needs many factors to go well if he wants to win. 1 punch can change everything. So who knows, even luck can play a part of any fight. Will be interesting to watch this fight. Hope to see an epic fight.

Mayweather is taking it.

Great write up about the match of the century (if the win goes in McGregor corner). If Floyd wins everyone will say I told you so, and what a huge waste of time this has been. Whatever happens I was amused :)

Mayweather or McGregor?

The winner is the marketing machine behind the fight.

This is the best assessment of the fight I've read.

Is only. A show to kip everybody off reality,, off course go to be a good show but is only a show

I still believe both fighters have respect for each other. They just talk trash to each other because it's good marketing. At the end of the day, it's all about the money. The fight is just business.


I got my $99.95 ready for tomorrow :)

Wow that pretty expensive, in the UK the costs to watch the fight is only £19.95.

I've got Conor quittin on the stool Round 6.

I really can see it. I think those two years or of the ring will have dulled him just enough. But, we will see. It should be a great spectacle. I placed my bet today. Fingers crossed!!

McGregor needs to put his heart into it, otherwise it's all lost.

mcregor will stain the record of floyd first lose!


Niic ☺ good luck 💪. @nanzo-scoop

Conor’s is the winner

This song came at the right time for this :D

I think the McGregor will win

Really informative post. Appriciate it

Go Mayweather
