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RE: The new bowling technique woked... sort of

in #bowling6 months ago

The oiling of the lanes should be a major factor and why I think you should be able o least have half a dozen practice balls to test it out. Where will the ball bite and turn in is the key to doing well. Your average jumping so high is brilliant and shows you are taking your game to the next level.


I should talk to the lanes about allowing us to practice just say... a few frames before we get started. I think that would be fair to everyone, especially me and the others who bowl with a curve. We gotta figure out where the bite is going to be and this is very true for me. My first game score was so terrible because it takes me 4 rolls or so to find the sweet spot.

that is the problem with having no free practice and takes time to get your eye in. Just think if you were on it from frame 1 what score you could achieve.

yeah, it's a very good idea and something that would just happen by default in more established and better organized leagues that are sponsored by the actual bowling alley. At our lanes I don't think that most of the staff even understand how the game actually works and are just there for a paycheck. I've seen one of the pin-racking machine technicians bowl and he is terrible.

If we were to ask for some practice frames I don't think they would understand and might just think we were trying to get something for free.