Sweet, thanks! Yeah, this is now the first thing that new users see after they create an account :)
BTW, not sure if you noticed - but several of your posts are listed at the bottom of the page!
Sweet, thanks! Yeah, this is now the first thing that new users see after they create an account :)
BTW, not sure if you noticed - but several of your posts are listed at the bottom of the page!
Yes cool thanks. I have also collated a lot of posts and updated some of them here: https://www.steemithelp.net - it is easier to update that way. I have also divided my version of the FAQ into smaller portions (some of which are new).
It also has the new Quick Start Guide too - I love your one page welcome summary I might use some of that too if it's OK?
We will probably be adding more of your posts in the next pull request :) I am going to look into adding a link to www.steemithelp.net too.
Yes, feel free to use any of the content from the existing page.
Cool thanks. Are you on the Busy alpha?
No. I think it is awesome and has huge potential to add value to the platform, but I am waiting to see once it is launched what the 'security folks' in the community say about how they are handling the private keys.
OK no problem. I think they would probably give you an invite if you wanted.
Appreciate it :) I'm going to hold off for now though.