Very beautiful shrub. Bugenvilla - a neo-Brazilian. But her name is French - in honor of seafarer Louis Antoine de Bougainville, during the circumnavigation of which she was discovered by the naturalist Carnerson.
Bougainville refers to the family of nocturnal and comes from humid subtropical forests.
In the wild, there are about 14 species of bougainvillea common in the tropical regions of Central and South America, where they grow in the form of small trees or shrubs.
Domesticated bougainville is a charming creature, capable of turning its head with its French charm even to those who have never been engaged in floriculture.Bougainvillea is an evergreen curly bush, sometimes reaching 5 m in length, with spiny, abundantly branching shoots and oval, slightly pointed leaves.
In the southern climate it is decorated with high fences of houses, patios, gazebos and walking arched passages in parks and squares.
Thank you for the information and for the excellent communication.