Hello, interesting app
I'm testing it
give me these errors
setError to "stopped" , No new posts since last post and within MIN_POST_AGE_TO_CONSIDER of 30 minutes
at=error code=H12 desc="Request timeout" method=GET path="/run-bot" host=xxxxxx.herokuapp.com request_id=bxxxxxx-3xxx-4xxx-bxxxxd-63xxxxxxxxx fwd="xx.xx.xxx.xxx" dyno=web.1 connect=1ms service=30001ms status=503 bytes=0 protocol=https
in Heroku log
Thans you
Try increasing MAX_POST_TO_READ to 1000 or even 1200. You can change it in the Edit Config section in the web app.
It seems that version v0.3.0 works well
Thaks you