Automation Associations ( Transmissions from the Hunab-Kru )

in #bots2 years ago

Hunab Kru Logo Splexclusive.png

Greetings to all of Splinterlands and Hive, deepest Blessings and may wellness be with you.

Inspired to write to you today on behalf of an unfolding that occurred in the past few days, many found their way to a similar end, however my story is my own.

The presentation here is a series of messages sent to a few members of Splinterlands Maverics channel, in relation to a hot topic and reactions associated with automation and some of the new apps and tech representing these sources. The conversation at large was between the NFTy arcade leads and Splinterlands team members whom it concerned.

My prologue explanation of the situation may overlap with some of the actual dialogue sent in messages so please bear with me ( Arkemis ).

The situation began for me when a guild member shared a link, unbeknownst to the gravity behind the link it was in fact clicked upon by myself. Below is the link spoken of and its direct contents.

[ Brings you to the maverics thread in Splinter discord ]

It begins to get long here as the LIVE convo escalated for SOOOME time, being unable to communicate or speak up in any way myself eye truly looked upon this situation in abject HORROR, as a very peacful person, who is saturated in conflict resolution measures, witnessing the witch hunt happening rose my stress well beyond my comfort level and was in no way ready for what had come next. ( being forced to play party as a target of such hunting )

Below is the FIRST post eye had seen that seemed to set the rest in motion

( mostly a list of black listed accounts, with some dialogue, representing the direction of the escalation )

monsterveritas — 02/24/2023 8:58 AM
Sorry for the many words 🙂
I decided to take a look at the super cool nfty arcade platform for a bit. And it turned out to be a very cool thing!

"Please note that the NFTy Arcade platform has a strict no-bot policy for its services,
which allows us to ensure that all of these decks will go to real new players around the world." Let me remind you of the quote (

The most important thing here is: "which allows us to ensure that all of these decks will go to real new players"
I wondered how accurate they are in taking NEW players, and are they all REAL PEOPLE accurate?

What do you think I found in about 30 minutes of research? 🙂
Here is a list of 156 NEW REAL PEOPLE who have been delegated decks:
How many of them do you think are new?
The "oldest" of these "new" accounts has been playing for 2 years and 3 months! Well, he's definitely new 🙂
It would seem that if the accounts are new, then why do I even look at champion points? A newcomer cannot physically have them, can they?
No, as it turned out, beginners can even have champion points, or rather, 7! accounts have them 🙂 For example, switcheroo5 max rating was 4415!

Some "newcomers" managed to play almost 20k battles - well, that's cool, right? For example, suni11 played a total of 19735 battles!

How many of these "new players" are real new players?

Of all 156 accounts, only 7 have registered in the last 4 months. Six of them are alt accounts of existing players.
And only grassiestguy looks like a real new user (but I'm not 100% sure).

This is what the word "new players" was about.

But we are also assured that there are no bots in NFTy Arcade and absolutely all decks will only go to real people - non-bots. Is it cool?
Is everything as good in reality as in words?
For example, xbot plays on these accounts:

Right, why pay more?
The same owner also has a steelblaze08 account, which is also played by a bot using a deck obtained through NFTy Arcade, not from splinterlands, but from philippinesdao.
There are also accounts that use the ARCHMAGE bot:

The owner of ryu07 and ryuuuuu is generally great, he transfers XBOTLITE tokens when necessary from one account to another (

And these are only those bots that can be identified very quickly and very simply.
An important question: how many other bots are there? Someone has their own bots, someone has bots that do not store their token on HE.

1 potentially (not 100%) new person out of 156 "new" players. Quite a lot of bots.
And I learned all this in 30 minutes without their super cool algorithms (5 minutes writing scripts, 5 minutes checking data and writing this post the rest of the time)

Answer 1 question: is this "onboard new players" exactly what you wanted? Is this what you wanted?

SO eye was floored, seeing my newly made Bronze-4d account, wich was meant to represent my new gaming channel ( in creation ) 4d Gaming ( combining metaphysics, philosophy and GAMING )

Which is meant to represent myself and my integrity as a Hive and TRUSTED Splinteractive entity.
This then goes to a couple of different areas, in relation to a few posts eye have been seeing, representing the unchecked nature of this brutal WITCH hunt and the inability for anyone who is hunting to do it without unecessary casualties and besmirching their own integrty, through their methods of poorly guided enforcement.

This link will bring you to a proposal representing one of the potentially intended directions of this hunt, attempting to be officialized. Eye would have your attention drawn to the conversation between @Yabapmatt and other commenters. The general topic gist is that its not possible to do this without accidentally hurting essentially innocent bystanders in this process and that the nature of this hunt will cause more damage then good overall in the BIGGEST LONG TERM PICTURE and alienate authentic standing members of Splinter and Hive ( wich is reportedly BOT or AUTOMATION NEUTRAL) as a community.

( this is all to bring context on the upcoming proceedings )

The next actual actions for me was to DM some members of the conversation in hopes of getting through and representing myself and Bronze-4d, properly. The respones to my request for voice happened slower then eye had hoped, yet it was not without a sense of progress. In the meantime, while watching the witchhunters not annonymous, deamonize so many without truly knowing
their intent and casting the blackest of cancerous and parasitic associations to a blind list, ( some of which r simply token holders )( some token holders who were seeking to offer their decks to NFTy) as though they knew flawlessly the undeniable SINS they carried.

( let the burning begin and no eym not talking about DEC )

This is when this blog takes on the narrative of the messages written for all of the converation participants begins, attempting to express myself clearly, my story, my feels
and an attempt to sustain my respectable integrity whilst attempting to respect the integrity of all concerned parties, while also proposing a solution to this sense of consistently rising conflict within Splinterlands community in general.

(This entire next bit is that message)

Wish to begin by thanking @CHANSETHEGUY and @LUTHIEN12 for responding to my initial messages and helping me find voice in this matter, bows and grace to you.

As well as Tyler of NFTy arcade for accepting to open positive dialougue, with me and hear my propositions to dissolve this misconstrued series of elements associated with my account.
( resolution pending )

( actual message now )

Greetings and blesings, am here representing the account Bronze-4d, which is an account representing my gaming channel, thats in the works 4D gaming, which is meant to combine the metaphysical / philosophical, with gaming. Last week ish eye began reinvesting in splinterlands and splitting my accounts apart so eye could play and simultaneously rent. As a collector eye wish all the cards , and because of soul bound there must be some playing involved, to collect these cards. Dont have much cash am on disability and support my splintervestments with what eye can from that cash, which isnt much. ( saying this to bring context )

During this reintegration to splinter and its economy, eye ran into certain limitaions regarding being able to manually do stuff. Like constantly change rent prices , to reflect the value and personal worth of my account, splex showed up with renting automation and that was a miracle for me and so happily aligned myself with this accessibility tech, wich allows me to believe further in my investment as someting that can be real in my life and potentially, replace this disability check for me.

( this is my true dream, eye dont work, eye am a gamer and an artist, living on dissability )

Have been gaming since eye was 7 back in 87, not knowing that was my career in the making, was diagnosed with ADHD way back then and through life it hasnt gotten any better and now in many ways it defines me and the limitations of my life. ( again context )

So during my explore of, the rental golem and their discord, eye also discovered archmage scholar, which to me was also a miracle of accessibility and their whitepaper proved to help me feel their intentions were not exploitation, but assistance, like a jedi having a droid buddy to help in all those space quests.

My heart was alive again with the potential of freeing myself from a life bound to the government , bit by bit, if eye can scrape together enough splinter assets and rent and play eye can do this.

( true feels, am putting everything eye have into this )

During the few days it took to learn about the above mentioned tech and support apps, eye made that account bronze-4d. This was the first account eye was gonna try renting cards into ( my other main account at the time was all owned card assets ) and was going to associate with my channel, 4d-Gaming. The intent here was to speak on all the projects, related to Splinterlands that eye had discovered. ( all the GOOD stuff on splinterlinks )

To me its all a wonderfull community effort and eye wanted to share those projects with all of hive and splinterlands and even folks not on chain, to show folks not only what was going on, but how much everyone loved this game so much, like LOOK at the level of work across the board supporting this, weather directly or 3rd party, THAT IS SO WORTH mention.

In this process of exploration eye discovered NFTy arcade ( during a search on how to make nfts on hive ), created an account got a beginner bronze deck and put it in my bronze-4d account, with my archmage token ( obviously the cheap one ) and yes with the intent to try out archmage and see if it was worth the hype and the investment.

( now for some more context )

EYE am a person who many look up to in my life as a kind of heart healer / spiritual guide and help navigate through terminal suffering and the ability to help others find perspectives that can dissolve and potentially outright end conflict. From this space eym am very conscious of others values and their boundaries and special containers that are needed for their special kind of personal development, this being said eye am very particular about my own as well and have learned to be heartfelt, gentle yet fearless in representing myself, my values and my truth.

The above is shared because when arriving on NFTy arcade eye didnt see any defining of the values sustaining their relationships to automated accounts, or such accounts being such a deep and unforgivable VIOLATION of the intended sovreignty of their project and what they built. So eye got a NFTy bronze chaos deck to run on archmage, it literally just felt magical that everything was lining up so well for me, the hope was HI, my inspiration stable, eye can do this.

( booby trap sprung and it didnt even make a sound, it was a time release formula after all )

So this was near the beginning of this current season,( at time of writing ) lo and behold eye run smack into a link shared by a guildmate telling of an issue cropping up on the mavericks channel, eye am seeing a massive list of BLACK LISTED accounts, lo and behold mine was there right in the B section


An account meant to represent the integrity of my 4d gaming channel

As eye watched the almost militant conversation surrounding these accounts, that were without question, seen as the highest level of EVIL on chain and were being DEALT with as they spoke, like uncheckable patriarchal priests on a witch hunt, with intent to wrong and destroy and make an example of these accounts, like they have no souls (maybe a lot of them were soulles) but mine represents me and eye represent myself, not some data digger who thinks they have FOUND PROOF enough to terminate. ( some feels here )

( didnt have enough pack purchased to gain voice on maveric channel )

So watched on as the convo escalated, feeling like some disembodied spirit trynna communicate to humans through the emojis eye could effect on the page, then realized eye could message folks in the chat directly and began reaching out to a number of them, on both sides of the argument attempting to intervene on behalf of bronze-4d. ( and by this time maybe even help dissolve some of this conflict, that seemed OLD AND REDUNDANT like folks trynna make being LGBTQ illegal and enforceable by violent means )

Am left feeling like eye fell into a booby trap laid by NFTy for not representing themselves in a clear and concise and absolutely visible manner, never would have disrespected their boundaries if eye had know the honest truth of their intentions and how they sought to conduct their sense of personal integrity and worth, because myself (@Bronze-4d), (@Eterna) ( legal name Alaya Source Eternal, cmon KYC me ) respect how peoples wish to be treated, seen and heard, and wish deeply to be seen by all of Hive as a safe and reliable part of this community, who not only respects others but is a part of the solutions in our communal growth together, as we evolve this onchain world TOGETHER and has a voice that can provide safe direction and councel and that can overall be TRUSTED.

Thank you for reading this, all ye who have taken such time, as to honour such readings, eye ask u to listen to 2 requests

  1. is for NFTy arcade and it is this ( to un-blacklist the @bronze-4d account ) now that eye can see ur needs eye will of my own volition and accord, not participate in your great service, because it is a violation to you and eye wish a chance to HONESTLY respect that and HONOUR your will and sense of self

for this eye bow low

  1. is for all who see the unending conflict between AUTOMATION and MANUAL ACTIONS ( bots and humans ) and wish to see it conclude in harmony and inclusive integration of opposites ( let us end this war )

for this eye bow even lower

Before @CHANSETHEGUY or @LUTHIEN12 messaged me back regarding my request for VOICE, eye wrote a proposal in the suggestions sections of splinter discord, detailing some of the elements and layers within the vizion eye have been developing, regarding dissolving this conflict and the integration of such opposing ideals, potentially into Splinterlands directly.

( below is that very proposal for all of your considerations )

AND IT IS THIS ( with some context of course )

( spoiler some use automation becasue of dissablities and need those tools as access points to create sustained and healthy relationships with online worlds and potentially their investments )

Eterna — 02/24/2023 1:44 PM

Ok so, initial phase of great idea that may end some serious conflict

If splinterlands worked with some of the botting community to engineer a battle bot that was directly integrated into the game, and was in accord with the values of the active paradigm here, and we then have a situation not unlike modern and wild, but seperated into human ( modern/ wild ) and automated ( modern/wild ), then there would be a place for everyon in the community to play how it works for them.

( further convos abt this after the fact, brough up ideas about sustaining reward pools by taking a % of every autoplayers winnings and putting it back in the pot to support a % of the impact on reward pools directly )

The level of investment , is what counts on many levels, so if that was continued to be focussed on, one must invest to play, regardless of how they play, then thats a layer of values covered.

For the humans who feel its not ok or unfair, to play with bots in the field, then they have a battle ground that truly works for them and ONLY them.

( thats fair right, details of implementation to be evolved )

My honest feels are that both of these playstyles are absolutely necessary, for this on chain tech and our communities and economies on chain, to grow and evolve PROPERLY.

( humans exists in a bio organic realm, this is NOT a bio organic realm it is a non organic crystaline digital realm and prolonged exposure to the organic human mainframe will contract many differing forms of terminal degeneration, within the human, their personal and collective lives and peripheral relations as humans )

Inclusion is required, bottom line, and not everyones views are accurate on all fronts.

Diasbled poples have good reason to automate if they have real issues being able to play and really love and will happily sink thousands into the game and its community.

( 0 exploitation level parasites detected )
( 100 % on-chain generators observed )
( within the scope of this value expression)

Eye know lots of neuro divergent folks who want to game on the level that splinterlands REQUIRES to be sucessfull, but simply cant because of conditions, but their passions and wallets are quite REAL.

We are all poples behind our dreams, and on chain thers a place for everone and every dream.

food for thought ( nom nom nom ) (shit someone Daria Dragonscale, back attack teamed me AGAIN) ( so effective )

Eterna — 02/24/2023 1:55 PM

Potentially an official discussion group can be brought together on this topic, with the TRUE intent to dissolve the sustained conflict, behind the approach to engaging Splinterlands.

last year eye had wrote a big post on on splintertalk, called "The Entity Known as Botticus Wrex", (other then me attempting to start defining my sense of blogging humor represented by a story about Venaries raiding my kitchen and being quelled by the Desert Dragon) defining some of my concerns about "BOTTERS" exploiting and stealing our SPS, which was synonymous to having a voice, here on splinterlands and guiding its direction together.

(the fear here equates as a theft of sovreignty)

Almost a year later my views have changed, from that of bots being a tool of exploitation, into a tool of accessibility and inclusion, for peoples of ALL natures.

A prosthetic is a prosthetic, weather physical or digital and some require and or desire a prosthetic to bring ease and harmony into their lives.

Splinterlands is a world / reality in itself not unlike our 3d world earth, and thers unique needs cropping up here as folks migrate from that reality into this one and we can support that with less conflict and bigotry, with less aggression and enforced consequences, by offering more accessability and potential.

In the END we are a community and we are here growing together a NEW dream, please consider this and please reach out to me, to further this conversation, of unity and integration.

Thank you truly for reading


Alaya Source Eternal ( @Eterna ) ( @Bronze-4d ) ( please NFTy release bronze-4d from the shackles of your blackened list, we mean you no harm and SEE you now )



A bit about myself, am from Vancouver Canada am also a Transgender Woman ( who has developed a VOICE to fight on behalf of minorities.
Above is a picture of me and below it is what happens when u stake ebough SPS and collect enough DEC

Am a SPS Node liscence holder, partner and myself took out a loan to be able support this because eye wish truly to be a PILLAR within this commnuity, proffit is nice, however eye have the mind and heart of a lasting and resilient parent, while also being a child who never stops playing and so my efforts are layed down to support this community and am putting all the resources that eye can towards building this apparatus of support, to offer towards Hive and Splinterlands community.

Attempting to get another liscence because eye intend to run as many nodes as eye can support, CUS HIVE AND SPLINTER are so worth not only investing with my pocket but my integrity and my spirit and my suatained sense of values, if this can be acheived on this level, then this truly marks this as my career and what eye will DEVOTE myself to for the rest of my life, which may also help me end my relationship with government support.

Sup Hive and Splinter this is me eye am real and eym here to stay ( hip hip horray )


i honestly don't understand how you can think it's perfectly okay to suck yourself into the pool for free and even without playing yourself. you knew it was a promotion to attract new players. are you new to the game? no, you're not, so you must have exploited it on purpose, knowing that you would take a spot away from a potential new player. up to this point, i would still completely tolerate it, if the system allows it then it's nfty's own fault. but that you're now portraying yourself as the victim of the story, i find really brazen!

am portraying myself as a person who was aware of the situation after the fact, while being honest about the steps that got me there. The referencing of witch hunting refers to the many people's who were effected as well as myself, new to the game no, new to NFTy yes, wasnt familiar with what they were offering until eye did it myself and learned about my unconscious violation of terms after the fact. This situation is about being responsible on both sides and building trust as actual peoples who can see each other clearer after going through these experiences together. After this last season of experimentation eym an automation PRO person, do eye seek to take advantage of others with this tech, NO. Do eye seek to grow healthy new relationships based on experience, shared with others YES. Do eye wish to gain trust by presenting myself clearly as possible and representing my personal experiences the way eye saw them, YES. The power of transparency is a marvellous thing, because its about taking ownership of ones actions.

on a different note, your pointed assumption of my previously knowing of NFTys intentions and me actively attempting to exploit with intent is the witch hunt eye speak of. With no accurate knowledge u come in seemingly aggressive and justified. What ownership of your response and its direction can u take based on the relationship ur building with me now...?

is this how you seek to be seen, angry, justified and assumptive, doesnt feel like a safe and sustainable set of values to build lasting trust by.
Wronging others only shows the relationship one has in ones own head and heart, towards ones self...

hiding behind ones avatar for protection, is the way of the fearful, if we shared the same physical space, would u attempt to speak with venom or compassion, is a resolution to the conflict ur true wishes, or is it demonization of my integrity and representation of self....

eye am quite glad to be an example of how we can treat each other even in a state of disharmony or disagreement, as we find our footing we have a great chance to grow through all these issues, if we trust the process....

wish u wellbeing

Thank you for sharing your perspective on this. I'm glad for the insight gained on how all type of players are interacting with the game, lessons learned, and hopefully we can work on improving the new player experience, provide people with an onboarding worthy of this fine game, enjoy the community, and perhaps enjoy this journey.

feels so good to be here thank you for responding