Dirtiest old wolf of Sarawak, the plunderer of Sarawak, the Thanos destroyer of the green forests of Sarawak. Very vile evil Hitler, that craftily hides all these atrocities. The Sarawak people who voted for him are all being fooled year in, year out. Decades. Now his cronies still control their minds.
Another 4 years more, when they shall see the new changes in New Malaysia, they will rise and be finally awaken and free from this evil Matrix.
I hope the Sarawak People come to their senses. He denies them basic amenities and education so they remain ignorant while he plunder the whole state. I wonder if hell really exist. Maybe he figured out there is no such place as hell too.
Finally one fighting chance with all documentation and proof in Sarawak Report shall now be taken into account to charge and put him behind bars. Looking at the speed things are going with the 1MDB plus all related politicians getting their house checked, it shall be soon!!! Rakyat power!!!