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RE: New Quality Standards for Booster Usage Coming Soon!

in #booster6 years ago

Blacklisted 43.000 accounts? Have there even been that many accounts active on Steemit in the last years? Sounds like an inflated number to me but maybe you can prove me wrong.

Posted using Partiko Android


There are 1.3 Million accounts on STEEM, which is a 3 year and 4 month old blockchain. So of course there has been many who have done whatever they could to gain profits by using multiple accounts with bots to do anything from circle-jerking content to mass-abuse the upvote bots (including me) in order to gain on their non-human content.

We do believe that among those accounts is only a few handful of people with extraordinary knowledge about STEEM and Engineering + some real life assholes ;)

@booster i delegate my SP but did'nt receive a single payment please check...

The majority of accounts blacklisted are multiaccount farms. Some have 10-20 accounts, some a few hundred, and one even has 23K or so.

yeah one of the account farms i was attacking on DW had 430 accounts. alas, since the maps update, none of them have reactivated :(