Bands through the world of jrock (Band :One Ok Rock)

in #boombox6 years ago (edited)


is a Japanese band of j-Rock formed in the 2005, at the moment composed by four members, Taka (vocalist), Toru (magnificent guitar), Ryota (under) and Tomoya (battery of dream). Originally, the band was composed of five members until the guitarist Alexander Onizawa left the group in 2009. His energetic songs have not only attracted great attention in his native country and Asia, but also around the world, which it has led them to make international tours in Europe and America. To this day they have eight studio albums. The band was formed at the initiative of Toru and Ryota (former members of the band Heads) and Alex, who went to the same school. When Toru was in his first or second year of high school and wanted to form a group that would revolutionize rock in Japan, he began to look for members around him, asking Alex and Ryota to join him.

Members of the band


Name : Morita Takahiro
band: One Ok Rock /Vocalist-Guitarist- writing of the songs and composition
Born: April 17, 1988 (29 years old )


Name : Yamashita Toru
band: One Ok Rock /Guitarist-Secondary voice
Born: December 7, 1988( 29 years old )


Name : Kohama Ryota
band: One Ok Rock/Bass Guitarist
Born: September 4, 1989( 28 years old )


Name : Kanki Tomoya
band: One Ok Rock/drummer
Born: June 27, 1987 (30 years old)

with this song I met the band

albums that I like most about them

in this album they concentrated on the old school of Japanese punk and j-rock with free lyrics and rifle guitars full of energy

in this album they focused on making more technical and professional rock at the time of recording in the studio, which took them to the americas and the world

songs for which they are known

I hope you enjoy this great band as much as I do!

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