Infinite Jest, The Second Steemit Book Club Begins This Monday: Details Inside

in #books8 years ago (edited)

It’s hard to believe, but we’ve finished the first book of the steemit Book Club and one must say: What an adventure that was!

Congratulations to all those who have joined us, and especially those who have made it until the end.

Ulysses was a spectacular masterpiece, one of the few books that get more fascinating as the chapters go by. Now we have a new masterpiece to explore, written by the prodigiously talented and the man who needs no introduction, David Foster Wallace.

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Fun fact: David Foster Wallace was born in Ithaca, New York. (Ithaca being the destination Ulysses’s journey was based upon) quite the coincidence as you can see.

Without further ado, here are the details to the second steemit Book Club:


Steemit Book Club 2, Session 1

Book: Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace

Reading Assignment: Chapter One “The Year of the Glad” (pages 3-17)

Date: Monday, March 13th .

Time: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. PST / 9 p.m. EST / 2 a.m. GMT

Phone: (800) 719-6100 or (218) 339-7800, access code 629-1831#

And this is the Web audio link (for those who prefer to log in via laptop although the audio quality is not that great.):

Chat: #steemit-book-club channel on

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P.S: We will be posting a small summary each week online and will have a recording available, upon request, for those that missed the call.

We hope you join us in a second beautiful journey of the steemit Book Club.


@neilstrauss, @the-alien, and the #steemit-book-club

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Excited for book #2 of the SBC. We found a DFW expert who will join us for the first call and help orient us in the book and DFW's career .Hope you all can join us!

This is amazing! So excited for this as well!

Hey - I'm trying to figure out the best way to get a message to the 8 of us that are still reading. I've typed up some notes from our last call (5/1) I'd like to distribute (I also just posted them here under the Books category). Do we have any sort of email list going? Can I email them to you to forward along?

Absolutely, just send me your email and I'll reach out to you, I'll be happy to send the notes to everyone.

Or you can send me a message at @the-alien in

Whatever easiest for you, we'll do that.

I live about fifteen miles from Ithaca NY, this has to be a sign for me to join :) Maybe I can find out where he lived and take some pictures for steemit!

Haha yeah that could be a sign! You would more than welcome joining us! :)

And pictures would be amazing in case you can find some... But you don't have to go through the trouble of course.

If I can find it, it wouldn't be any trouble :) As soon as the weather turns nice I'm going to do a series of blogs in Ithaca, which is one of my favorite cities on the East Coast and I'm lucky to live so close to it. A good friend of mine runs a business getting Cornell university dorms and apartments ready for fall semester in the summer and I help her out when she's short a few hands. College town is a blast there, actually Cornell is so immense it's like an entire town in and of itself! I went to a writing seminar there and got lost when I took a walk on lunch break, haha!
It's an amazing place, it's considered a green city. The commons, which i will do a blog about, even uses a form of its owns currency accepted in many of their restaurants and shops.
And along with its more urban culture it's home to a plethora of waterfalls and gorges. I'm really looking forward to hiking there this year and sharing it with all of you!

Looking forward to read it! Both hiking and Ithaca :)

How do I join this book club? Because I don't see like a "join" button and I just purchased the book off amazon.

it's really a fantastic novel. I read it almost 20 years ago, and still sometimes I read again some pages.

I know what you mean. Some novels are worth reading twice. :)

Count me in, bump me in chat because I might end up forgetting.


Will do!

I've been watching a lot of DFW's interviews of late, as the themes he deals with have become a more prominent​ part of my life recently; so I've only just added this book to the top of my list. Perfect timing.

That's great to hear. Maybe we'll see you there :)

It's on my calendar. Hopefully I can fit it in. Thanks. :)

Regarding the time of the event:

Time: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. PST / 9 p.m. EST / 2 a.m. GMT / 11 a.m. (Tuesday) UTC

I may be going daft but, GMT is the same as UTC. They are posted as differing in time and day. Furthermore, by March 13th, much of the U.S. will be on "savings time", which is different than "standard time" as in EST and PST. To add to the confusion, I live in Arizona which has Mountain Standard Time (MST) all year round.

Personally, I prefer going by UTC in global events. People can just calculate their time plus or minus the UTC. I'm UTC -7 in Arizona. That "11 AM (Tuesday) UTC" looks wrong, unless the event occurs in the wee small hours of the morning in the U.S.

On the bright side, there probably won't be anyone from North Korea, where their top of the hour is the bottom of our hour (I kid you not!).

Finally, if I could have the time of the event in the correct UTC or military Zulu Military Time, I would be much obliged. Thank you for your consideration.

Yeah you're right. Time edited. Thank you!!

Never read this, but took a glance at the synopsis and was sold at dystopian. I've been waiting for this second book club start, I'll be calling in! Just curious, how long does the club meet for during each session? Seems it starts at 9 PM EST.

Great choice, steemians!

Infinite Jest is a difficult book to read alone, IMHO.
Only recently, I learned about David Foster Wallace, and I bought two of his books: "Infinite Jest" and "A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again".
The second book is my current "breakfast book" that I am reading slowly while eating my breakfast, when I am alone. Infinite Jest could not be a "breakfast book".
I started reading Infinite Jest first, but I stopped after around 100 pages.

As Dave Eggers in the 2006 Foreword says:
The point is that it's for all these reasons -- acclaimed, daunting, not-lazy, drum-tight,
very funny (we did not mention that yes but yes) -- that you picked up this book.
Will you actually read it?
I don't like when stop to read a book that I like, but I found it too hard to read it alone.

So, I am happy that Infinite Jest is the second book in the Steemit Book Club.
I'll be there on Monday.

I managed to miss this call. Will a recording of it be uploaded?

Hi all, I am really excited to join the club and share in the reading of this book! I missed the first call - is a recording available? And when's the next call?!
Thanks :)