Hi Friends, Welcome to my first blog of book review series. In this blog, I am going to review an amazing book Atomic Habits that I recently finished reading.
Book Review

Atomic Habits is a masterpiece by James Clear. This book revolves around method and techniques which one can adopt to build habits that last.
This book gives an concept of bringing small change on daily basis to get a long term effective result. It shows that how you can totally change yourself just by improving little everyday. In this book author teaches the basic science behind our habits and how to get advantage from it.
This book consist of 20 Chapters and every chapter begins with an real life application and writer did a great job in showing example which we can relate to our real life.
I myself applied its techniques in my life and gained beneficial results. Habits stacking, two minutes rule and environment effect are my favorite methods. Of course it is a book review not a summary so you should read it your self.

This image is from my own book
Atomic Habits is highly recommended for those who want to adopt good habits or remove bad ones. If you had already read this book, let me know your experience in the comment. If you haven't read it, you should for sure. Follow me if you want more book reviews. See you in next blog.