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RE: OVERCOMING RESISTANCE TO MAKE YOUR BEST ART // [BFBC5 Pt 3 — The War of Art by Steven Pressfield]

in #books7 years ago

Been meaning to read this one.

I'll just stick with the first note:Higher Realm
I've always felt very creative, but had no constant medium. It just fell out randomly.
4 years ago I finally got to know myself. I started thinking about the world, universe, reality, spirituality, the ego, etc...
Then I started playing guitar.

Then I found steemit and started vlogging every day.

Working everyday was key. I have poor posts, then magic.
Consistency is key because it's hit and miss and I just need to accept that. I work to separate ego. If I post to get my thoughts and feelings out in the best way I know how. If I work hard... then it's for me. It's my unique creativity. Who cares if it's accepted.

I think this is a sticking point. Sometimes I don't want to post because I don't think my idea is good enough. Fock it. Who am I trying to impress. Just post. Eventually the universe, or muse, or my subconscious stumbles on something I'm proud of, but this can't be a pre requisite.


You hit the nail on the head my man! I think any art that we want to be good at, be it music or an online platform or anything else, requires a daily practice. Even if we have to suck at it first for a while which I usually do lol