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RE: The Most Dangerous Book in the World: Session 4 recording, plus details for session 5

in #books8 years ago

Did you ever send out invitations to the first session of the book club? I didn't see anything here or on chat on what was supposed to be the first day.


Never mind. I don't know how I missed that! :(

Totally my bad! I was checking the first Book Club post comments to send invitations to everyone who seemed interested from the comments, I realized you were getting married so immediately I thought to wish you and Matt congratulations and I forgot about sending you Book Club invitation.


I just sent you an invitation to the Book Club chat room, I send reminders every Monday with call details.

It's not that late, and I hope you can join us

OH...I thought I was going insane, and somehow failed to understand how to join! It's ok. Do you think it's still worth joining at this stage? I think I can do the reading in time. I wonder if I still could make 75% of the sessions.

I don't think that will be a problem at all, plus it was mainly my fault so you don't have to worry about that 75%. But even by those parameters we have done only 4 sessions so far so it will be ok. :)

And yes, I do believe it's still worth it to join a this stage, we only did 3 small chapters so far.

Great, thank you!

Hi Alien,
Thanks for all your help with the recordings.
I'm trying to play catch up and am wondering whether the parts 2 and 3 recordings are able to be made available via soundcloud again, please?