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RE: Book review: Villette by Charlotte Brontë

in #bookreview7 years ago

Aww, I'm happy for her. There are certainly worse passions to have. But maybe some of your golden advice about being present in the moment wouldn't go amiss. ;)

I have to say I really miss CDs. These days I stream everything from Spotify, but there was something really meditative about buying a CD, opening the case and putting it into the machine. It was like, you had to make more effort to choose and put on the music, so you made more of a commitment to listening to it.
"Now I'm going to listen to THIS album. And REALLY listen to it."
Now, with a whole world of music at my fingertips I feel like I'm less focused and I don't make as much effort to listen to things that don't immediately touch me. Shame.

Haha aaaaand I hear myself sounding like an old person and moaning about the good old days. I'm super grateful to have such broad access to music. Let's keep things in perspective.