You caught the essence of my own “insanity” so well and oh yes it’s such a deep topic. Aren’t we all walking on razors edge on and on, just to try not to fall off? This will be the topic and next book I will introduce. I also wrote about Sylvia Plath a while ago. One of my all time favourite authors who actually did commit suicide.
It really means a lot to me that you read all the way through. I am practicing for my own book and need to get feedback if my soul shines through my words. I am a lousy writer but at least I conquered my writerblock and just go go go now page by page. My insecurities vanish. I will never be like Sylvia Plath but I feel I can be many stories to tell.
Canguuuuu I miss my #BaliOhBali sometimes really a lot. Enjoy every minute and catch some sun and moon rays for me please
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Would be so cool if you do the challenge and post at least one book
I forgot to add the rules in my post Hahhaa but they are somewhere
Thank you so much for your inspiring and caring words as well as your advice about writers-block and yes! I always stay strong :) even at moments when I feel weak. I need those rays! Spring finally brings some to my flat as well.