Crime and Punishment | Long Story Short (Novels from my eyes) #1

in #book7 years ago

Hi Steemit, welcome to my new series!

Raskolnikov was a poor student that studies law in University of Petersburg. He can't pay his rent for months and always confused about the politic and philosophic thoughts that comes from West. He decides to kill the pawnbroker that he borrowed some money before. In his mind like this he'd finally solve his financial problems but same time would save the world from an unnecessary parasite. He thinks if you can kill for an important cause, murder could be acceptable. Makes lots of plans and finally decides to go to the pawnbrokers house to kill her. But unfortunately in the same the pawnbrokers sisters comes into room and even though she's a person who hasnt hurt anyone, he had to kill her too. He takes a little stuff from the crime scene and leaves.

Even he's sure nobody has seen anything, Raskolnikov has been always worried that his worriness effect the people around him too. He has three important woman in his life. First one is his mother and the others were Dounia and Sonia.
He has been nice friends with Sonia but because of the Sonia's difficult situation she has been doing some tough jobs.

After the murder Raskolnikov becomes literally crazy. When he's invited to the police station because of an unpaid debt, he'd have a mental breakdown. Stays sick for days. With the thought of criminals always return the scene he returns the crime scene. Wants to get caught and feels good and relaxed. He meets with the detective who's being interested and as he wants he takes the attention. Detective thinks because of his suspicious behaviours he's the killer.

With the conscience he has, cant deal with it, confess his crime and same time his love to Sonia. As Sonia try to convince him to confess, he cant deal with the burden and says everything to detective. As a punishment he's getting transported to Sibiria and Sonia expects his time to come back.


If you want people to read and interact with your posts... you need to interact with them too... You can't build a following if you don't talk and make people get to know you..
I resteemed one of your posts, this one: ,and 2 of my friends commented, and tried to support you,abd what you was talking about... but because you said nothing back... you never got to interact... and that way you will not have people that will follow...

I agreed and upvoted them but I’m sure you’re right through your perspective.