In our life, the way we treat the life is what we’re going to receive. If we keep a positive attitude to life, we would create the positive things to outside. As a result, we seem very fresh, energetic and happy all the time. If someone just sees life in a negative way, there would be many negative things floating around. Those would always find stressful, boring, tired of this life.
You know, there are two laws influenced on our life. That is The Law of Cause and Effect and The Law of Attractions. Each mindset, each attitude of us to life would give a signal to the outside and get back a result.
So if you are going to find who you are, what you are doing in this life, how to be a positive man, this book is your key.

According to The review on Amazon, you can see their lots of good sentences like this:
- Simple read yet very informing and inspiring. I recommend buying this book.
- This book is one of the best concerning "The Law of Attraction" Jack was spot on in his research
- Good guideline book for choosing your life purpose and make it happen
- Easy to read
- Glad I bought it used because it's not a big book, but simple and straightforward in teaching you the basics of The Law Of Attraction. Will read over and over again.
- What can I say Jack Canfield is the greatest... Puts your mind in the right place ...I would recommend getting the audio while you're driving... a combination of both the audio and the printed or Kindle version is even better... A multimillion dollar coach talking to you while you're driving is the greatest... No, I have no affiliation I just really enjoyed this... Success principles are equally as good...
The book is actually attractive (to me). It would not cause you much time to read because it’s quite small. Maybe, you just spend about 30 minutes – 1 hour to finish this book.
But don’t think that it’s too small to give anything. This book goes straight to the aim of the Author.
The book is divided into (according to me) 4 parts:
- To know exactly who you are: including the first 3 chapters
- About your emotions: The next 2 chapters
- Passions and Motivation: The next 4 chapters
- Build your Action: The last 6 chapters.
All in all, this book is a simple guide for you to create your own life, a positive life you desire.
Who are you? What exactly you are waiting for? About your emotions!
Each person has its own fullest energy but have you ever tried to use it at the highest level. Or you always find an excuse for all your procrastination.
If you always set a mindset of the low standard in your life, that would stick to that standard. Instead, if you see yourself in higher stairs, you are determined by that ideas, you would find the best methods to achieve those goals. You see, you can kick off your goals.
It’s the problem of your mindset. Instead of thinking in a boring way, try a new positive thing, a bright tool to accompany with your life.
For example, To be a wife, have you ever thought of your husband’s weakness. You would complain how bad he is. He is so talkative or he is so tender, he is so lazy, he is so boring.
But Have you ever tried to see those in a positive way? Because there is always two side of a coin.
Your husband is so talkative. Yes, he is so different. He can make you laugh much, he can use his ability of language to welcome guest for you, he can make a funny story. Nobody like him/
How about the tender. Yes, if he is so tender. He may be an introvert person. He can do more than just talking.
Everything happens up on the way you see it. We can see it in a positive way, in a negative way. So why we just stick to the negative way to make all thing worse. It’s not deserved.
I have a question for you. There are two boys who are going to fall off from a tree. The 1st mother says: Don’t loosen your hand. The 2nd mother says: Keep your hands tightly.
So, do you think which boy would fall off first?
Yes, the answer is the 1st boy whose mother says: Don’t loosen your hand. Why?
The reason is just that of the subconscious mind. The 1st boy is impacted by the word “DON’T LOOSEN”. He’s stressed by the strength of the word “DON’T”. So this causes him the feeling of being worried, threatened.
The 2nd boy would pay attention to the main idea: Keep… tightly. So he just does that, there is no threat, no beg, no complain if he fails.
In our daily life, we can change the results of the problems if we change the way we treat them.
I have another story for you. There is a family, the little girl wakes up so late. Thus, the mother gets angry with her. She upsets and shouts at her baby. The baby is so scared that she fills off the milk on the table and floor. The mother is in a hurry. Since she gets more upset. She shouts aloud at her baby and her husband. The husband feels extremely uncomfortable to start a day. He decided to go to work first, leave the little girl and her mother behind. But because he is quite unhappy, he forgot the phone at home.
You see, the mother has chosen a bad way to start a new day with her family. If she chose another way to treat her baby, her husband. I believe everything would be fine. All of them would have a nice day, nice start, they would be very happy together.
Come back to the book. Happiness and Positive way of thinking and doing is also the main aim of the Author through the entirety of the book.
What more is the Passion – Motivation - Desire
How can you live this life without any passion or dream?
After a long time to experience in many kinds of job, I discover a truth that is you can’t do a good job if you don’t have any passion/motivation.
That passion/motivation can come from outside, mostly come from inside of yourself. You should dig deep into yourself to know what you really want, what actually is your need.
Have you ever listened carefully to yourself to hear what it is saying? Try one time. You would never disappoint. I'm sure.
When you keep thinking of your passion/motivation all the time. You can get what you have set to achieve the goals.
For example, I had dreamed of becoming a staff of an International Bank in my country. At that time, I thought How difficult it was for me to get an entrance to the bank. But I kept thinking of it all the time. This was absolutely my passion/motivation for me to learn, to research, to improve myself. Yes, And I did it. I had passed the entrance exam and became a member of that bank.
To summary I would like to say the problem is not because of the surroundings, it’s because of yourself.
So, read this book to find your key to open your life :)
(images from Internet, I just have images of Vietnamese version ^^)
good post
Thank you @salek45. Keep following me for more review books ^^
Great Post @lenancie... A big thumbs up from my side... :)
Thank you @dipeshvisave ^^
Nice article! We can expel negative thoughts by positivity. Stay positive!
I agree with you. Stay positive, we would see the positive things ;)Yes @daniyal32. Thanks for your comment. It encourages me much.
text of this post and it appears original!
I first heard about the law of attraction in an audio book 'Your wish is your command' by Kevin Trudeau. Btw, interesting figure to check on wikipedia ...
The Law of Attraction isn't seen as actual science. Though I do believe that it doesn't harm to set a goal and positively think about achieving it.
In that sense, this helped me.
Good post.
yes, sometimes I think Law of Attraction happens to me. When I think of sth much, It really happens later. Is it the signal of Law of Attraction?
Well, I think it doesn't really matter whether it's a signal or not.
You had positive thoughts, you saw a solution, you reached your goal.
That's enough, no? :)
Such a simple premise but easy to forget. Great read!
Thank you @louisnelza! :) Nice to see you here!