This is the first I have seen any post on a brain vs boob thing here.
I guess It's about peoples unique or commonplace perspectives of beauty and your reaction to them.
Since you are a feminist Im sure you will have no problem bringing those men to heel.
BUT, If you don't like people telling you what to say, do, write, and publicize you should probably get out of the marketing business is my comment and your story was hard to read, I kept getting distracted by the gifs, I have a headache now from reading the text all the way through so take an upvote so something good come from this moment and post; good luck with your struggles.
and thank you godo, I appreciate this. Sorry about the headache, you're right, perhaps too many gifs. I should replace them. But on note, you are completely correct, of course. We seem to find the same dynamics at play on the Internet, on Steemit, and such, much as we see in 'real life'. Age-old dynamics, that may take forever to break, or to change. Patriarchal, chauvinism, and misogyny, blah, blah, blah. And as usual, we are faced with limited choices. Go along (to get along). And to hopefully get paid. OR... (exactly!) Like I said, limited choices.