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RE: BOINC Workshop proposed for early 2017!

in #boinc8 years ago

Continuing to discuss the 2017 BOINC Workshop:


So the steem thread raised approx $24 in liquid Steem Backed Dollars, do you want me to continue raising funds on Steem?

I spoke during episode #177 of the BeyondBitcoin hangouts about the 2017 workshop:

The Gridcoin community has been discussing the 2017 workshop in episodes 10 & 11, but they have yet to be released (I'll notify you once they do).

We were thinking that 'Zurich, Switzerland' meets your criteria?

Think we could get event sponsorship by large companies? (WCG == IBM, etc).

In the mean time, the Gridcoin community holds hangouts ( on Saturdays (next is 22nd Oct @ 9PM GMT: ) the entire BOINC community is welcome to attend (we discuss GRC, BOINC, Cryptocurrency, etc).

What do you think about regular local meetups via ? That way people could attend a meeting in their city/state regularly, could be good for neworking & key speakers (such as yourself) could participate via teleconference rather than having to fly around the world.

Best regards,