Science about Whey protein !

in #bodybuilding β€’ 7 years ago

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I've heard people say that you only build muscle if you use whey protein ! πŸ˜‚
People think that Whey protein is a magical ingredient known to humanity which will make you HUUUGEE in 2 months ! β›”

What is whey protein ?

Milk comprises of two protiens, (1) Casein (2) Whey
Both of these proteins can be separated from milk βœ…

Whey is a by-product of cheese making and is a quick digesting protein !

Whey is a complete protein having 9 amino acids. It is low in lactose.

There are three types of whey.
1) Whey protein isolate
2) Whey protein concentrated
3) Whey protein hydrolyzed

Why is whey used ?

Whey protein has pretty nice amount of protein. People use it to add more protein to their everyday diet βœ…

Is whey protein essential ?

Absolutely NO ! If you manage to get enough protein in your diet from high protein foods, You DON'T NEED ANY SUPPLEMENT. (You also save a lot of money πŸ˜‚ )

Which foods are high in protein and low in calories ?

Egg whites βœ…

Why people prefer whey ?

Whey has high protein as I said before ! βœ…
It has low calorie content but is high in protein. People who are busy and want to quickly add protein in their diet prefer adding a scoop of whey in any recipe βœ…

Do I need whey ?

If you don't have any problem to add protein in your diet by your daily food intake, You REALLY don't need it β›”. If you don't manage to get enough protein by the end of the day, Buying a protein supplement maybe a good option βœ…. Conclusion :- " If you manage to get enough protein everyday, You don't really need it, But in case you don't have enough time to prepare a meal and want some quick protein, Buying a whey protein supplement may help you " βœ…