Olive oil with hot pepper and its health benefits

in #body6 years ago

Cold-pressed olive oil is known for its beneficial effects on the whole organism. Hot peppers too. Although some consider them a stomach irritant, they have the opposite effect.

How is olive oil made with hot peppers?

This delicious and useful spicy mixture is made very easy. In a bottle or a jar of olive oil, place a few hot peppers. Close it tight and leave it for at least 2 weeks without opening, so that the peppers can saturate the olive oil with its useful ingredients.

What does the hot pepper olive oil contain?

The active ingredient of chili peppers is capsaicin. This element is an antioxidant that has an extremely powerful effect against free radicals, causing inflammation anywhere in the body, aging of cells, formation of tumor formations.

Olive oil is saturated with beneficial fatty acids that have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular, immune, nervous systems. They regulate metabolism and help detoxify the body.

The combination of the two natural products is more than useful. See why.

Prevents chronic diseases

The action of antioxidants in hot pepper oil is very strong. The higher the concentration of capsaicin, the greater the range of beneficial effects it has on the body. The suppression of inflammatory processes in many organs and systems allows the immune system to fight off various pathogens and prevent them from being chronically diagnosed.

Stimulates the immune system

Capsaicin in combination with vitamin C in chili peppers, which is also a powerful antioxidant, helps the immune system work well and cope with the attacks of various pathogens. Frequent use of peppermint oil also helps in rapid recovery of viral and bacterial infections.

Soothes stomach problems

The anti-inflammatory properties of capsaicin eliminate stomach aches, spasms and irritations caused by various causes. This useful blend improves digestion, reduces gas and swelling and contributes to the healthy reproduction of good bacteria in the intestine.

Cleans clogged sinuses

Whether you have clogged and inflamed sinuses or runny nose due to a viral infection, peppermint olive oil helps nose delineate. Sometimes even the fragrance only contributes to the liquefaction of the secretion and its easier removal.

Prevents macular degeneration

Degenerative macular damage is one of the most serious causes of blindness. Hot peppers are rich in large amounts of vitamin A, which is of great importance for the health of the eyes.

Soothes the pain

"Hot Olive Oil" has painkillers again thanks to capsaicin. Its powerful action eliminates swelling, cramps, discomfort in chronic diseases causing pain.

Reduces the risk of cancer

A number of studies have shown that capsaicin has anti-cancer properties as a powerful antioxidant. It helps in the prevention of prostate, colon, stomach, esophagus, breast.

image https://www.pexels.com/


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