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RE: Shadows Over Camelot--Have You Played It?

in #boardgame7 years ago

I am about to get hit with a snowstorm too (southern Ontario), and my gf and I are probably going to stay in and play 7 Wonder Duel. I think this is a great game for 2 players. A good blend of strategy and luck. Other 2 player games to consider are Jaipur, Android Netrunner and Dominion (although dominion isn't strictly a 2 player game). I have a large collection myself and when we have friends over the 3 most played games are Catan, Codenames and Scattegories! Sorry for the long reply, I love board games a ton :P


You are the winner! Thanks for the great recommendations. I will be upvoting three of your recent posts over the next week.

Thanks a lot bigpanda! I really really like your content and feel like we have a lot of things in common (believe it or not writing stories as well!). This really encourages me to stay active within Steemit! Appreciate everything again! #boardgamesrock

We definitely have something in common then. I have never played 7 Wonder Duel but have heard it is great. I've played Jaipur and Dominion and enjoyed them both quite a bit. Lots of good games in your list. Thanks.