My BuyMeBerries Introduction

in #bmbhome4 years ago (edited)

My name is The Nudge. I am a traveler and videographer from the US making content exploring the intersection of liberty and travel!

I have traveled extensively, having backpacked 18 months and also hosted hundreds of Couchsurfers from my tiny Brooklyn apartment. I've even hitchhiked more than 1500km!

Since April 2021, I have returned abroad to begin this new series. I will have meaningful interactions through culture, music, and food. My content reflect this, and also has an underlying theme of liberty. I am producing vlogs, short films, photographs, and writing on PeakD. Later plans include launching a website, starting a podcast, and minting NFTs as collectibles from my journey.

I want to promote traveling for lesser-known places and unique experiences. I hope to foster a community on the blockchain for travelers and among the people that I meet, as we move towards a more decentralized world. I may also develop a Dapp at some point!

A main goal I have is to support myself from the content that I produce, so accepting cryptocurrency donations is a major part of this journey! I'm on Hive @nudgetravel and you can find my other platforms and crypto wallets on my CoinTree, at Thanks!

The Nudge