The Banding

in #blyfjhg2 years ago (edited)

Application of membership into The Banding
an alliance of people committed to protection, provision, and cooperation without the need for government assistance or regardless of government assistance.
By signing this document you affirm that:

  • You will volunteer in the neighborhood watch program 15 hours a month.
  • You will never call the police on a fellow or potential member.
  • You will learn our codes and come when called upon.
  • You will volunteer at The Banding farm and garden projects at least 15 hours a month
  • You will aid other members of The Banding with food, shelter, clothing, and safety regardless of legality
  • You will be part of a 5-household band, and share resources, create a set of codes, and team up and signal band members during op’s.
  • You will elect a band boss(commander), band liaison (contacts/communicates with other bands, and attends banding meetings), and band courier(collects and distributes goods for the band members).
  • You will obey your commander.
  • You will chose a code name that is specific to your band, and a secondary code name that you give to other members of the banding, and yet another code name you give to strangers. Your common name will be used with officials and people who know you but are not in The Banding
  • You will not take any mRNA injection nor any other globalist technology that could compromise The Banding (nuralink, elected office)
  • You will not mask when around other members of The Banding.
  • You will designate 3 bug-out spots and equip them accordingly.
  • You will be active in scouting out and marking guerrilla gardening sites.
  • You will resist any occupying force that threatens you band, or the banding as a whole.
  • You will participate in guerrilla warfare and sabotage if called to and able.
  • You understand that betrayal of your band or The Banding will have dire consequences, and you will be marked as an enemy of The Banding
  • You will only induct new members on a probationary period of 6 months, after which they will be assessed and if found trustworthy they may chose to stay in the inducted band, or move to another band that may need more members.
  • You will never allow your band to exceed 9 households.
  • You will obey the ruling of The Banding Assessors in how trustworthy a new member is and how much you may tell them
  • You will change your public code-names spelling and create a new band-only code name each time a band member leaves the band.
  • You will agree to a band passcode and change it each time a new band member joins or an old band member leaves.
  • You will never use your common name when alone with your band and never use your code names when around people you know who are not in The Banding or in your band
  • You will fold and tear off your signatures and keep them for auditing.
  • You will memorize the agreements, and burn them as soon as you have committed them to memory.

I (Public Code Name[note: NOT YOUR COMMON NAME])________________________ hereby undersign and agree to these terms and submit my application into The Banding as (Banding Code Name) __________________________