Charged to Experience? Stupidity Has No Room in Crypto

in #blunder3 years ago (edited)
Hello everyone!

I have been very lazy these past few weeks and it shows from my blogs or the lack thereof. I always wanted to post something, but for some reason, I couldn't until this blunder I made just a few hours ago. If you're reading this post, please let it be known that I'm just posting this to recuperate at least a portion of my loss. You're not obligated to upvote. Just read and you might learn something at the expense of my demise.

Let me just provide some context before I wallow into my clumsiness or stupidity. Of course, the main reason for the context is to satisfy the word count I'm aiming for this post. Come on. Judge me both for my foolishness and hypocrisy. Anyway, I slept late (or too early for the next day) as I always do. Due to some Netflix series that I binge-watched, I slept at around 5 AM. I woke up at around 9:30 AM because I planned to go to the gym at 10 AM. I only had 4 and 1/2 hours of sleep. First wrong move.

While at the gym, I told @glecerioberto that I need some money for our camping later in the afternoon. I requested him to withdraw the money for me and I'll just send the amount to his GCash. While I was starting my workout routines, I dabbled with the withdrawal from my Hive wallet to Binance. Second wrong move.

Can you guess what happened?

Yeah! I sent my HIVE to a wrong recipient! I sent 95 HIVE to @deepcrpyto8 instead of @deepcrypto8. For some, it's just a small amount, but in the Philippines, it's already PHP 5,000.00. That's almost half of the minimum monthly salary here. It could have been spent on things like groceries or to pay the bills. That's almost $100 down the drain!

I checked the account and it's not just me who committed to the same mistake. I just hope that owner of that account would put those money into good use. The sooner I can move on from this, the better for me and my sanity. But the increase in HIVE's price made me angrier with myself. Anyway, since we're already here, I think I need to put some lessons I've learned from this.

I hope you won't commit the same blunder so here are some points to remember:

1. Always double-check your transaction before proceeding with finality.

I guess I got cocky. I got confident because I rarely commit these kinds of mistakes. Ever since I joined four years ago, I'm always on high alert whenever I transfer to exchanges or to a different wallet. I always double-check the transaction before pasting my active key. I guess I got distracted this time. This leads to my second lesson.

2. Focus on the transaction. Don't do anything else.

I was working out while doing the transaction. I thought I didn't have time because we would be camping in the afternoon and I didn't prepare yet. I thought that after the gym, we would have to withdraw the money and then go home to prepare my camping gears. This is a huge lesson for me. I didn't focus on the transaction because I was doing something else. The distraction was exacerbated by my lack of sleep. This leads me to my third lesson.

3. Have enough sleep as much as possible.

This is underrated, but I think this is one of the necessary things to do in life. I know that we only have 24 hours in a day and we often try to do as much as possible within those 24 hours that we tend to sacrifice sleep. I mean that's what I did. I remember when I was in college, I didn't cram. During exams, I always sleep the night before even if I felt I didn't study enough. I observed that I scored better in those exams that I slept well even if I didn't study than those exams that I studied until 4 AM. I think having enough sleep will really help you focus on things.

Alright! It's time to move on. I'll now go camping and try to forget those money I lost. 😭

See you in my next post. I think that will be better than this one.

Kim Ybañez

Welcome to Kim's small corner in Hive. He is a chemical engineer by profession, but a blogger by passion. He is a wanderlust and an adventure seeker. Join his quests as he visits secluded destinations, climbs mountains, tries new and exotic dishes, and explores his country (The Philippines). He's also a trying hard photographer so stay tuned as he shares his photos and his thought process while creating them.

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Omg sorry to hear about this! I didn't know the account existed til I read this. There will always be people who will create similar-looking accounts for this reason :(
This is why when I do transactions like these, I always go to my binance app ang copy paste everything there even though I already know the spelling or what. It's a hard lesson to learn :(

Yeah! To think I've been here for 4 years, I only had this typo for the first time. I think it's a perfect storm of events that lead this blunder. Well, time to move on and laugh it off.

By the way, we're scheduled to climb Mt. Apo on May 25-27. I was thinking of visiting you before or after that. Would be awesome to meet you in perzen. 😂

Haha yeah just move on, you don't deserve more stress.

Yaaaaay!!! Yes please visit so we can finally meet you. @jude.villarta is also here in the city and we would like to meet you haha. Omg mount apo!! I think the hikers mentioned that Feb-March is the coldest months there (like negative 0°C) but I don't know in May but better be prepared hahah. You don't want to freeze there!

Yeah! I'll be preparing a lot of jackets. 😂 We were already warned that it will be colder than any mountain we climbed. And to think I almost froze when we climbed Mt. Hibok-Hibok in Camiguin. Good thing there's a thermal blanket, but we looked like embutido in our photos.

Hahah it's okay to look like embutido than to experience hypothermia. But yeah just message me!!

Sorry about this mishap. I do all my important stuff on my laptop so I just copy & paste the addresses etc. (seeing your typo, I guess you actually typed it) but I still double check everything. Btw your observations about sleep seem to be 100% correct. I am currently reading the book "Why We Sleep" by Mathew Walker and he did exactly the same kind of experiment with his students (studying more and sleeping less vs. studying less and sleeping more) and the results were identical to yours ;)

Yes. I actually typed it. I'm now copy-pasting everything. 😂

About sleep, I will now fix my sleeping pattern. It has been wrecked for 2 years because of Hive.

How exactly did Hive ruin your sleep? If it´s not too personal I mean...

Since I don't have a routine anymore, I tend to work at night and sleep during the day. I don't have a schedule of when to sleep. If I have something to work, I'll work on it until it's done before I'll go to sleep.

I see. But you can still fall asleep easily once you decide it´s time to go to bed, right? I cannot. It usually takes me several hours to fall asleep. I think the routine that I have can also be a factor in my messed up sleep... Anyway, I hope you will correct your sleep habits and patterns soon. Good sleep is essential to good life.

Yeah. I have no problems once I decide to sleep.

Ooh, that's a lot of money anywhere in the world. I am so sorry. That's why I'm scared every time I make a transaction, and although I know my data by heart, I prefer to copy and paste it. Some time ago a user I helped join here mixed up the transaction steps and sent 50 hives to deepcrypto8 savings, instead of sending normally. Of course he never got that money back. The good thing about that is that now we are all more attentive to it 😅.

Enjoy your camp, money comes and goes ❣️.

I'm now copy-pasting no matter how I memorized everything.

money comes and goes

True! The trick is enjoy it while it's still with you. 😂

i can understand you feeling, 100 dollar is a lot especially if its almost half of the minimum monthly salary where you live. but yeah i think we all learn from these mistakes, i double check it always many times, sometimes i am happy that its already show the last recipient:) thank you for your tips:) maybe he or she will send it back to you that would be awesome!

Nah. I doubt it will be returned considering that the account was created just for that. It's a lesson learned the hard way. I hope I won't commit the same blunder again.

control c and control v is still your best friend.
sorry for that

True! I'm just a loser. 😂

We learn from our mistakes.

I also made few mistakes on transfers. Usually i transfer just few and see if it's ok. Then send rest. Something i learned in hard way too.

Ouch! So sorry about the loss of your 95 hives. I have my hive address saved. So I usually just copy and paste. Makes it so much easier for me. And I hope the owner of the tricky account puts the money to good use!

Another way to look at things (this is what I do when I lose huge sums), loss happens and gains will come soon enough. So, enjoy your camping activities and thanks for sharing these lessons. 🙂

Yeah! Copy-paste is the way. 😂 I don't know why I didn't do it.

Damn. Sorry to hear that. I think we all have a story like that and we all kick ourselves for it.

It's just embarrassing for me because I have been here for a long time.

Hala ui. Kasakit ana ui. Mgbantay jd ko ani. At first glance sa imong post dli jd maklaro ang typo but when you look closely naa jd. I hope that, that user will utilize the crypto you mistakenly sent put into good use. Enjoy your camping!

Okay naman. Nakamove on nako after camping. 😂

Hahahhahaha. Best to release it with nature!

I am gutted for you 😯 But listen, it could have been more than 95. Someone was super clever to create the account to catch the freebies. We need favourites in the wallet to quickly send to the right recipient.

Yeah. It could have been bigger. In hindsight, we I didn't think of creating those accounts? 🙈

Imagine the wealth !!! 😅😅😅

I also sometimes have difficulties in writing and starting to write. I understand you very well on this.
Also, I'm really sorry for the mistake you made while transferring money. If I had made the same mistake, it would have upset me too. It's not a small amount after all. We write for days until we earn that amount. I hope the account you sent will realize the mistake and refund your money. That's right, otherwise it's scam. I try to be very careful about this when transferring money. Thanks for your recommendations🙏

I doubt it will be refunded so I have moved on already. 😄

Looks like an account created exactly for this purpose, sorry for your loss.

It's okay. It is what it is. My mistake.

Sorry for your loss Kim, Kasayang naman lang jud ato uyy 🥺. Mahadlok naman noon ku mo baligya ug ako² ra 😟.

Pagbantay lang jud na di masayop. 😂

Haha. Lage. doble amping lang jud.

Unfortunate @ybanezkim26 we all make mistakes and we learn from them don't lose anymore sleep over it move on better things to come 👍

I don't have a choice but to move on. 😂 It hurts but there's no point in crying over spilt milk.

This is right @ybanezkim26 your good karma will come back to you in another way. Have a nice evening my friend 😊

Ugh this sucks, Kim! TT

Yeah! Sadt. 😂 Pero move on nata kay sakit sa heart.

Take care . Sometimes we loss something for experience but later we get some more gain and profit.
Good luck and be careful 🙂
Thank you for your post . I also distract all the time and I realise more amd more that we must be focused on 1 action only.