in #bloglife7 years ago
![Screenshot_2018-03-06-17-48-00.png]() Dangerous bridge that children risks unguided everday

   Schools in Nigeria are as a result of the coming of the missionaries, who saw the need to teach us how to read and write, also to learn English language for better understanding of bible and easy communication.

 It was a war, trying to get our forefathers understand the benefit of education and allowing them to go to school, Our forefathers will practically hide their children out of the White man's sight.

 Most people that went to school then, were either slaves or servants and maids.

  In early 90's when idols worshipping is order of the day, in my place (Onuaku-aku,ikpokoro), they believed so much in that lifeless gods called "amadi oha", but I must say, there are evil powers associated with that deity. As jealous as that gods is , it always opposes everything that seems to compete and displace it (deity). The evil that inhabits this gods saw danger that awaits him, if the activities of the White man goes unchecked.

 The deity started visiting most of the elders and local chiefs with one calamity to another, the whole village then, became stricken with fears of next calamity, it become necessarily to visit the chief priest,

 A chief priest is the only person who has access to inquire from the gods concerning a thing.

![Screenshot_2018-03-07-12-27-24.png]() This is what a chief priest looks like. (Picture from my church drama)

 These are items the village representatives went with, in regard to appease the gods; five local cola (oji igbo), five tubes of yam, one cockerel and a lamb.

  After some incarnation and libation to the gods, the chief priest spoke out, saying; " the gods is angry with this land, the people has walked astray, they have gone after strange gods, according to him,"it's the white man's gods" and they have chosen his ways.(which is education) "How powerful is education that even the gods is afraid of the exposure it brings to human kind", 

Some of the gods inhabits the rivers, some lives in stones or rocks.

But the one , I will be writing about its nefarious act, is the gods of the river.

After much rattling, the gods/deity pronounced a course that no indigene of the land will ever attend school nor listen to the white man, if any one try it, the same shall die as a consequence.

The above body of letters is an answer my grandmama gave me, when I asked her, the cause of sudden child drowning happening often in that river.

  Okonkwo was his father's only male child, with six sisters. He was the last child of his father, who is already at his old age.

  A male child in Igbo land(south east region of Nigeria), is worth more than a million girls, " personally I dont believe in boy child superiority " but that's their custom,

Okonkwo was coming home from school on that fateful day, when he met his untimely death at the evil river of amadi oha.

![Screenshot_2018-03-06-17-48-17.png]() (Okonkwo's mysterious death at the river of amadi oha) ![Screenshot_2018-03-06-17-49-04.png]()

Agreement with evil gods for over century still effective in the land.

Why all these evil ??

Can't we break lose from the grip of past traditions and customs?

  Why is most Africa countries stucked in between the devilish land and the red sea?

Most of the old people who knew the importance of education are either slaves or servants and maids and outcasts.

Those slaves and outcast are the ones ruling us because they knew what those that own them never knew, the slave's owners were just contended with answering master and they thought by sending them to whiteman , they are punishing them, now who is a master?

Our forefathers while protecting their so called tradition and custom have sold away the future of their ahead generation,

They bargain with gods that never wanted a better place for man.

Men are caged by this so called tradition and custom.

What is tradition and culture??

Culture is particular people's way of life at a particular time.

Time elapses and people change, old ways of doing things becomes obnoxious..                                 


Tradition is a way of doing something that have existed for long time among a particular group of people.

       * Tradition is an enemy to modern ideas.

* Tradition places limitations on its subjects.

* Tradition relegates somebody to nobody.

* Tradition is the cause of slow development in most Africa countries.

* Tradition is an enemy to education in Africa.


African we are blessed!!

![Screenshot_2018-03-07-12-28-49.png]() (After an excellent dispay of drama, s![Screenshot_2018-03-07-12-28-49.png]()

  1. Tradition






That's right

Thanks bro

Interesting thought but come to think of it, what does my great grand father need to read and write for? He has all he needed just that these so called missionaries sold the idea that what we had was insufficient, just because we didnt have coats and trousers which we had no need for does not make us primitive as the painted us...their visit was everything else but out of geniune concern.