Micah's running fever

in #blogging5 months ago

(this is a 2 for 1 blog🤣..2nd story at the bottom)
Micah is out of school today. He, originally wasn't going to go to school today already due to fire/earthquake drills. They'd told us on Friday about it and suggested we keep him home. So then imagine my surprise his teacher telling me they had a practice fire drill yesterday. According to the teacher it really upset Micah. He called out for his Mimi! Anyways, I'm not sure why they bothered telling us if they're going to practice their practice drills 🤷🤦 oh well🙄
Anyways continuing on... last night, before bed, Micah's daddy texted me and told me Micah was running fever.
1 full week of school... And now he's sick.
Oh well, we've been expecting it. All the new germs he's exposed to. He's doing very well considering how he feels. Unsure what his actual temp is he wouldn't let me get near him with a thermometer in hand. 🤦🤷 He ate breakfast and then had some Tylenol. I could tell his throat was bothering him by the way he was eating. He's also stuffy sounding. However none of this is slowing him down. As I'm texting this post we're outside and he's on the trampoline hand feeding the dogs🤭
He was swinging before that.. At 5:45am. Yes, it's still dark, he's sick... And we're outside playing🙄🤣



Ok, so chaging the subject a bit but still on Micah. ...
So yesterday, as I was talking with his teacher she also informed me Micah cussed the assistant teacher. 😱🫣
I asked what had happened and she called the assistant so she could tell me. ...
What had happened was... It was naptime and as she turned the lights off, she went to her computer to do something. Anyways, soon as the lights went out Micah said. Lights off. Micah likes to be heard and for someone to repeat after him so he knows he's been heard🤔🤷 Anyways, she kept doing what she was doing and again Micah said lights off. With no reply from her, next thing she heard was whip ass. 🤦😱🫣
I just died 🤦😱 that's my fault! 😮‍💨
I told his teacher he hears it enough.. Cuz I say it and do it often!🥴
I told her I'd try to use different terminology 🤣 .. like my flip flops for example. he understands you want me to get my flip flop?! Usually he stops whatever he's meddling with.
And before anyone thinks I abuse my grandson just know I would lay my life down for him! I believe in discipline. And I will not have a 4yr old dictating things around me. Anyways Guess I best leave that topic alone but y'all just have to know Micah. We jokingly say he's feral. He's our little wild child. He's a little mastermind manipulator(like most kids) and so very funny! As he grows it'll all balance out. 🙏🙌❤️
To end with, he wasn't in trouble. We laughed about it. And I'm going to try and do better. 🥴🥰