5 Blogger Success Stories World

in #blogging7 years ago

The story of success this time is raised about bloggger success story of the world that only works from the blog but can make a lot of money.

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They all start from working hard, by building their blogs according to their interests and expertise. So, who are these successful rich bloggers, let's take a look at the list below

Alborz Fallah - Blog Car

Earnings only from advertising: $ 100,000 / yrReasons and Purposes Alborz Fallah Ngeblog:Alborz always has a passion for cars. He started out just as some other bloggers did not know what to write on what topics, so he started by creating 3 blogs to find out which one would last.

Staying in his passion, he realized that the blog about the car gave the visitor a lot, so he finally left 2 other blogs and slowly began to build his Car Advice blog with his own writing content.

Collis Ta'eed - Blog Tutorial

Collis has residence in several countries, usually traveling to Hong Kong, then Australia, and Canada last.

Collis Ta'eed started his first blog (freelanceSwitch), in 2006 with his wife Cyan in his wife's parents' garage because their first site did not produce as quickly as they had hoped.

His famous blog is Tutsplus.com which receives articles from many bloggers but tutorials related to the internet, computers and photography.

Darren Rowse - Blog Make Money Blogging

Darren Rowse started blogging about 5 years ago and initially just because of a hobby. After a year he started trying advertising and affiliate programs on his blog and found that his blog could make money.

He began to record something he learned from the topic of make money blogging on his personal blog (Problogger).

Gary Vaynerchuk - Wine Blog

Garyvaynerchuk's story begins as one of the owners of a wine shop in New Jersey. He began to be famous as a host on "Wine Library TV", then created a wine video blog, and finally built his wine shop into a multimillion dollar business and made famous brand by appearing and talking on TV all over the world.

He is now known as the author of a 7-dollar-dollar book about something that made him successful by creating opportunities through his video blog. She is also one of the most-sought-after speakers for marketing events.

Harvey Levin - Celebrity Gossip Blog

Reasons and Purposes Harvey Levin Blog :
He is an American TV producer, lawyer, legal analyst, and celebrity reporter. His blog started everything about celebrity gossip because it was one of his passions.

Harvey's Success Now :
He still produces and hosts TMZ on TV. She is also frequently featured as a guest on "The Kevin and Bean Morning show", CNN's Larry King Live, and recently on "The Fox News Channel" and "Local FOX Affiliates" in connection with Michael Jackson's death.