Skewed Modern Literature - (SML)
- The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
- The Moral Inversion of Star Wars [The Jedi, The Republic, The Empire, and the Sith {movies only}]
- Star Trek in Perspective [The Borg, The Dominion, The Federation, The Romulan Empire, The Klingon Empire, & The Prophets + Pa Wraths + the Bible]
- the Wisdom of Eldest [specifically the deeds of Eragon before leaving the land, and how it is the only way to go forward in our own world]
Logic of (Evil) Agendas - (LOEA)
- Billionaire Technological Transhumanism
- Secret Keepers [Religion, Rulers, Corporations, and Banks]
- the Great Gaslighting
- The Georgia Guide Stones
Politics of The Unseen Realms - (POTUR)
- Voluntarism in Contract
- Titles, Classes, and Dominions
- Magic, Miracles, and Language (as creative and destructive forces)
- Oaths, Vows, Perspective & Prophesy