Hi Ryan.
You truly do work from a place of fun and passion. I see it in your posts and your videos. Everyone does. That's why you have as many followers as you do. You back up what you write and talk about by taking action every day.
You face fear head on and it's helped you, obviously. The first thing we need to do it figure what our fear is and then kick its ass.
I know I will not be the next Ryan Biddulph, world travel. But, I will be Chris DeeWaard, pro blogger who helps new bloggers and bloggers-to-be to be successful. I just have to do it and the only one who has stopped me up to this point is me. The same person who will get it done.
Thanks for sharing this with everyone.
Have a good one...........Chris
That's the blessing Chris; you shine brightest by being you. Thanks much :)