@shayne We dont know each other at all,, but parts of your story sound like multiple parts of my life growing up the working young money to mom never getting it back and so forth, among quite a few other things. So let me give you some advice that was given to me and honestly dude it changed my life it transformed the hell out of everything I went from dinner at Mcdonalds to having steaks that i couldn't even pronounce dude... no joke.
Its your life take control of it if you feel your worth more than go out and get more, if your smart enough to see that your enviroment gave you the mindset that you carried fu&king change it. The on cool thing about growing up a fucked up life (excuse the language) is that NO One expects you to ever be shit but that shit.. ... so with that the hell with all of it identity your actual goal and then hit that shit with everything you got. You'd be surprised to see jut how smart or intelligent so called "Rich people" or "wealthy people " truly are and truthfully a lot of those people couldnt last a day in your shoes.
This is being said with nothing but the best wishes for you man.
Thanks for the advice and well-wishes! :D