in #blog3 years ago


Good morning everyone in this community, this is my first post and I am here to tell you about my adventures in this world of crypto.
I started a few years ago entering ethereum with $200 and managed to get $280 in a fairly strong upward movement in a couple of days something like that.
(all amounts are approximate, I don't even remember what I had for dinner 😁 LOL)

I know it's not much but the idea of ​​becoming a trader came to me and who knows how to make a living from this (silly me) after that came the wave of ShibaInu along with XRP many of the channels I followed on YouTube began to talk very good of these coins but I went from having $280 to $50 after HOLD months in the end I accepted it, I sold and what always happens.... I remember in 3 weeks I recovered its price and almost doubled in the case of shiba shiba with XRP I reached dollar..

Months passed and I had no intention of entering again but a content creator uploaded something strange A GAME WHERE YOU EARN MONEY!!! Called Plants vs Undead I was amazed and with all the optimism between this time with $150 which was the minimum in a couple of days I had recovered and convinced my younger brother to enter (I paid him the ticket) I had spent $350 that I recovered a lot fast in the end i got $900 and my brother got $300 we were living the dream!

I bought a Huawei Tablet for $550 with accessories, another bad decision, although it is quite good if you do not do something with the services of the great G. I should have bought the new iPad that cost $700, it preserves the value better.

There was an event where they gave away seeds and on the Tablet I got a $1400 plant but I didn't sell it 😭 after that it all went downhill and in order not to prolong this part we ended up with an additional $500 between the 3 accounts we didn't want to sell until very very late and we moved on to Cryptomines!

I entered this one with approximately $80 when it started, I remember we went from having the token at $2 to 57 cents... miraculously it continued to work, they did not disappear with the money, I had tried to speculate on the price when I bought 100 tokens and sold it for 60 cents... If it hurts after knowing what happened!
Over the weeks I got more ships, I reinvested and my brother came in. I sold my first fleet to him. We saw the price rise and I told him it would be good to leave before December to avoid losing too much because I thought that people would retire to have a good Christmas.

We did not leave on time and again my love for a coin betrayed me I kept the coin I did not sell I continued as if nothing but people after seeing how we went from almost touching $800 back to $600 got out of control and the death spiral began I had approximately 5 fleets I don't remember the PM my brother had 2 we didn't sell them..... I was just going to get $1000 in token before this happened I ended up taking $100, my brother was cautious and took out as soon as he saw that it went down to $600 I clarify we had already charged 3-4 times we had the roi long ago.

It was hard at that time, I already had a use for that money... after this we entered several C2E with $450, some scams, others died at the first charge and some are still alive apparently but I no longer pay attention to them.

There were more but I only remember these 😅.

Between this and that we had $80 left, we decided to enter rising star well he had already entered but for free I didn't receive the confirmation email to open my account until a month had passed so we decided to enter with a pack of cards we were lucky!

I sold them over time, recovering about $25 that I invested in hashing on land in Mexico that I finally gave to my brother. On the other hand, I invested more money when it was going to be the BANG DEFENSE pre-sale!

Just before the rise to $1.10 at the end until I had left over and invested a little more I bought 3 lands from Afghanistan and bought mota to get seeds from these lands.

I don't remember at what point I entered Infernal Coliseum with about $20 I got 8 of the highest tiers this made me quite happy although it is still very green.

And that is my story so far. I would like to explore the world of blogs on this network, mainly dark stories of historical figures and some magic from my time as a witch, including uploading my poetry from when I was 14 and conquering girls online on the now-defunct Flipnote. Hatena on my DSI.


Muy buen día a todos en esta comunidad este es mi primer post y vengo a contar mis aventuras en este mundo de las crypto.
Inicie hace unos años entrando en ethereum con $200 logre obtener $280 en un movimiento alcista bastante fuerte en un par de dias algo asi.
(todos los montos son aproximados ni si quiera recuerdo que cene 😁 LOL)

Se que no es mucho pero me llego la idea de volverme un trader y quien sabe llegar a vivir de esto (tonto de mi) después de eso llego la ola de ShibaInu junto a XRP muchos de los canales que seguía en YouTube empezaron a hablar muy bien de estas monedas pero pase de tener $280 a $50 después de meses HOLD al final lo acepte, vendí y lo que siempre pasa.... recuerdo en 3 semanas recupero su precio y casi duplico en el caso de shiba shiba con XRP llego al dólar..

Pasaron los meses y ya no tenia intención de entrar de nuevo pero un creador de contenido subió algo extraño UN JUEGO DONDE GANAS DINERO!!! Llamado Plants vs Undead me quede alucinado y con todo el optimismo entre esta vez con $150 que era el mínimo en un par de días había recuperado y convencí a mi hermano menor de entrar (yo le pague la entrada) me había gastado $350 que recupere bastante rápido al final obtuve $900 y mi hermano $300 estábamos viviendo el sueño!

Me compre un Tablet Huawei $550 con accesorios otra mala decisión aunque es bastante buena si no haces algo con los servicios de la gran G. debí comprar el iPad nuevo que costaba $700 conserva mejor el valor.

Hubo un evento donde regalaron semillas y en la Tablet me toco una planta de $1400 pero no la vendí 😭 después de eso todo fue cuesta abajo y para no alargar esta parte al final salimos con $500 adicionales entre las 3 cuentas no quisimos vender hasta muy muy tarde y nos pasamos a Cryptomines!

A este entre con $80 aproximadamente cuando empezó recuerdo pasamos de tener el token en $2 a 57 centavos... milagrosamente siguió funcionando no desaparecieron con el dinero yo había intentado especular con el precio cuando entre compre 100 token y lo vendí en 60 centavos... si duele después de saber que paso!.
Con las semanas obtuve mas naves reinvertí y mi hermano entro le vendí mi primer flota vimos el alzamiento del precio y le comente seria bueno salir antes de diciembre para evitar perder mucho pues pensé que la gente retiraría para pasar una buena navidad.

No salimos a tiempo y otra vez mi amor por una moneda me traiciono mantuve la moneda no vendí seguí como si nada pero la gente después de ver como pasamos de casi tocar los $800 de vuelta a los $600 se descontrolo y empezó el espiral de la muerte tenia aproximadamente 5 flotas no recuerdo el mp mi hermano tenia 2 no las vendimos..... justo iba a sacar en token $1000 antes de que esto pasara termine llevándome $100, mi hermano fue precavido y saco en cuanto vio que bajo a $600 aclaro ya habíamos cobrado 3-4 veces teníamos el roi hace bastante.

Fue duro en ese momento ya tenia un uso para ese dinero... después de esto entramos a varios C2E con $450 algunos scam, otros murieron al primer cobro y alguno sigue vivo al parecer pero ya no les hago caso.

Fueron mas pero solo me acuerdo de estos 😅.

Entre esto y aquello nos quedaban $80 decidimos entrar en rising star bueno el ya había entrado pero gratuito no recibí el correo de confirmación para abrir mi cuenta hasta pasado un mes entonces decidimos entrar con un paquete de cartas tuvimos suerte!

Las vendí con el tiempo recuperando unos $25 que invertí en hashking en tierras de Mexico que le regale al final a mi hermano por otra parte invertí mas dinero cuando iba a ser la preventa de BANG DEFENSE!

Justo antes de la subida a $1.10 al final hasta me sobro y invertí un poco mas compre 3 tierras de Afganistán y compre mota para obtener semillas de estas tierras.

No recuerdo en que punto entre a Infernal Coliseum con unos $20 conseguí 8 del los tier mas altos esto me hizo bastante feliz aunque aun esta muy verde.

Y esa es mi historia hasta ahora quisiera explorar el mundo de los blogs en esta red principalmente historias oscuras de personajes históricos y algo de magia de mi época de brujo, incluso subir mis poesías de cuando tenia 14 y conquistaba chicas por internet en la extinta Flipnote Hatena en mi DSI .


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