According to my favorite dictionary app:
the quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight.
In my life, I haven't pursued wisdom like I should have. I have prioritized pleasure and fun, trying to push out the reality of life: it's not always fun. During this time in my life, I never knew what I was missing. In fact, I thought I was wise. I basically laughed in the face of wisdom, and walked over those who cared. I let wise council slip through my fingers without even bothering to savor it.
One day I just realized I was a turd.
Late 2016, I began my quest for wisdom. Naturally, it started with Proverbs.
Every morning with breakfast, I would read another chapter, and document my thoughts and things that stood out to me. As I read, a memo clearly displayed was: Ask and be given. If you ask for wisdom, it will be given.
Right away I started praying for wisdom and dicernment, something my dad has always prayed for us, but now, I was asking it for myself. I was ready to recieve it without turning it away, something that made me realize what a bad place I had been in. I was the fool in Proverbs who repeatedly turned wisdom away. Ouch.
However painful that revelation may have been to me, it showed me that I had grown enough to recognize my foolish self.
Proverbs 4:6-7
6 Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. 7 The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.
Wisdom is obtainable.
I began my journey because I realized I was without, and I constantly worried that maybe I just wasn't meant to be wise.
I know for a fact that I haven't, nor will I ever, reach the max of wisdom I could have. However, I have certainly gained wisdom over the past nine months, and have used it every day. Like most any quest/journey, even after you obtain your goal, there is maintenence. The prince doesn't save the princess only to leave her unattended and under-valued. You can't get fit and expect your body to remain in that state if you just stop working out. Like the verse listed above says, if you love wisdom, it will watch over you. Love. Present tense, not past.
Reviewing my life was the first step in spawning my journey to form my new reality.
Don't worry, fun hasn't been kicked out of the picture. I haven't turned into a young old fart who shuns fun. I love fun, and now I enjoy it as a much happier person; someone I didn't even know I was until I became wise enough to let go of the things and people that were changing who I was. Another reality: Fun doesn't have to be what the world considers it. You can have fun working. You can have fun just being at home. It is what you make it.
Thanks for reading this snippet of my thoughts and life!
Great article. A young grasshopper you will be...yes?
Yes, a young grasshopper :)