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RE: Are We One??! Food For Thought!

in #blog7 years ago

Wow, not that I don't believe you, but I just want to add that when I was younger and still a little on the fence about the whole religion aspect. I was watched daily by a woman named Susan. Susan went to our church and was a very open hearted and loving woman. The kind of woman that would do absolutely anything to make your life better, she always was energetic and always loved life. I can't remember a time where she was really upset. Anyways one day I asked her Why she was so religious. She went on to say pretty much everything, and nearly exactly how you had just described above(besides the whole personal surgery part).
Great post. This really made me think today.


Thats awesome man!! yeah it was quite an experience. That is so cool that someone had the same experience. Just realize more and more that there is more to this world than us. Have heard from other people who have had NDE and they all say the same thing. That experienced what i did..It is very awesome!! :)

That is awesome. Yeah, when she told me about that, I thought that she was definitely telling the truth. However there was a doubt that I had. I feel bad saying that, but it is amazing how well yours and others have experienced the same thing!

yep. And hey don't feel bad, i tell that story all the time.. And even my brother i think sometimes has doubt. My parents had some doubt all they way up until they read the book " Proof Of Heaven" The guy was an atheist, who has a NDE and his experience is a lot like mine..kinda scary actually how much it is like mine. My mom read stand asked me if i had ever read the book. (at the time had never heard of it) she gave me the book and i read a couple chapters closed the book and started crying.. I looked at her and said.. That's it. right there.haha!So don't worry. We will all experience it at some point. Some of us were just lucky enough to experience it early. God Bless Brother!