First tee at the Ashbourne Golf Course
Over the last 18 months to 2 years my life has been on a what seemed like never ending downward spiral in to complete and utter despair only in the last few months I have found myself feeling alright and coping rather well and I think it's because I have this place to vent to and take my mind off of what is going on around me. Also a great stress reliever which has up until the last few months only been video games, but now I've been going to play golf once a week with my dad and a couple of his mates and my cousin which has been amazing at getting the stress out. Sure golf can be stressful but it's not the same kind of stress that has lead to me being diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I've found that being out on a beautiful golf course in nature and whacking a few white balls around is very relieving and the fact that I'm doing something for myself for the first time in years has also been good, and quite refreshing... anyway I thought I'd just share with you what has been going through my head today... I feel good.
Oh yeah I got a birdie today with a chip in from 40 metres out!
Don't mind the ugly shoes, they're supremely comfortable!

Vikinghammer Out!
The idea of golf is to play as little golf as possible.
Haha... I play a lot of golf still! but I'm playing less and less each week!
The idea of
Golf is to play as little
Golf as possible.
- mattclarke
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