
Well that is a bit extreme... :P

i found many times my photos stolen from G+, Facebook and Flickr - i'm automatically don't like these ppl

I try not to Upvote anyone who is using a stock shot stolen from the web with the image source listed as Google, Wikipedia or some website. I found my own stock shot listed with the image source of some website that was legally using the image because they had licensed it. I don't know why people can't get it that a search engine or a website is not the source - the photographer or agency representing the photographer is the source! And what's more, those images are not available to use anyway without paying a licensing fee!

but how do you recognise when someone use his/her original taken image or the one from stock site ??

Tineye. It is so easy. You just drop the image in there and it searches the web for it. If it shows up on websites and stock agencies, you can bet it is not their own image. I found one person when i first joined Steemit using all travel images from this one photographer and claiming them as his/her own - pretty much impersonating the photographer! I got suspicious when she/he slipped up and used an image from anther photographer - one I vaguely new. So the cover was blown!

i see ! yes i familiar with Tineye but its impossible to check everyone's photo here :-(((

If you see someone posting in different contests, you can usually tell. Sometimes they will make the mistake of posting a so-so out of focus and badly lit shot, and the next minute they are entering complicated shots that use multiple studio lights, or something like that. Often too, I simply recognize a lot of stock shots, because I have been submitting for over 20 years and know a lot of the photographers! Sometimes they even fake camera settings, and put in something that would make absolutely no sense for the photograph. LOL!