Meet my Animals! 3 Dogs and 1 Cat :)

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Do you love animals? Well I do and I want to share the 4 lovely animals I have!! I have 3 dogs and 1 cat! There names are Jasmine, Lola, Hardy, and Dante!! So lets meet them, shall we :D

Meet Jasmine!
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We actually got her around October 2017. My dad was on a job, working at this woman's house and one of his workers lifted up her deck and saw 3 kittens. He called to my dad to try and get them. The woman was moving and she said that the kittens mother has not been around for a long time, probably since they were born. Unfortunately, my dad was only able to get one, as the other two ran the opposite way. The one he was able to get, Jasmine, just stayed where she was.

My dad couldn't stop thinking of the other two kittens. So he kept going back to the woman's house to look for the kittens. Unfortunately, they were gone and we were all upset. When we first got her we weren't even sure if she was a boy or a girl. We didn't find out until we took her to the vet. She was starving when my dad brought her home. I bottle fed her for around a week or two and then moved onto kitten food.

She's so cute, I can't. She spent her first Christmas and was definitely spoiled, as my dogs are used to it. She got plenty of little toys. She's always around the house hiding in different spots. Because of this we have a cute little bell on her with a tag with her name and our address just in case she escapes the house.
Okay okay I can go on and on about this little cutie but lets move on to Lola.

Meet Lola!
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We got our wonderful Golden doodle, Lola, a few years back. When we first brought her home she was bigger than our 2 yorkies who were around 5&6 at that time and Lola was only a puppy. Now Golden doodles are known to be quite(minimal barking) and friendly. Well let me tell you, not this golden doodle. My family partly blames this on our 2 yorkies as they are always barking at whoever passes the house. So Lola chimes in and her bark is a lot louder and annoying at times, especially early in the morning.

After we got our two yorkies, I didn't think we would get another dog. I'm not going to lie, I bugged my parents for a big dog until they said yes, consistency is key lol. They can't complain because everyone loves her! When we got her we were told she would get to be around 65 pounds, well she is almost around 80 pounds.
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We were a little nervous when we brought Jasmine home because Lola is so big we didn't know how they would get along. At first we kept Jasmine in my room. I had to redo my whole room, making sure no wires were out, pretty much kitty proofed my whole room. We slowly introduced them, letting Lola smell her and be in the room for 10 minutes at a time, keeping an eye on her. She would always try and get Jasmine but in a playful manner but she doesn't know how big she is lol. It took around 2-3 weeks until they were comfortable around each other and we didn't have to worry about Lola trampling over her. Just see how they get along!!
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Lets move on to my two yorkies.

Meet Hardy!
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Hardy is a lot more quite than Dante but still gets his barks in when he can. Hardy is very cute. I remember our parents got him for us for Christmas. He is named after the wrestlers, Matt and Jeff Hardy. He never jumps on the couch, he always waits at the bottom for someone to pick him up, even though he can jump on himself. He loves to play with his toys and will even stand up to my 80 pound golden doodle letting her know its his toy. Now lets meet his brother!

Meet Dante!
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Dante was our first dog we got. My Aunt and Uncle got a yorkie and brought him over and was telling my parent about this other dog who they loved. My mom and my aunt went back that night to get Dante for us! Dante and Hardy are probably the closest since they've been together longer. They both love to just sit on the top of the couch and bark at every single person that walks by.

So these are all my furry friends that live in my home!! How many animals live in your home?


Those are some really cute pets! 😍
We have 2 cats and one dog, here's a picture of my cat piccolo chilling in the sun :D

Cute cat! Those eyes :D