Gosh, such a gorgeous post, @tamacvet <3 I think your spirits really shone through how you narrate this beautiful publication :)
I love that you reflect on an age-old adage that it takes a whole village to raise a child, but also reflect on modern society's conditions, which has reduced the principles only to people giving you advice (even when they are not sought for!)
Parenting is certainly a difficult and often under-appreciated venture. I, for one, admire all the parents in the world :) I hope you will continue to share your journey as a mother with us~
Those photos are absolutely stunning, too! * ___ *
And a tiny village of 3 persons and a dog is still very much a valid village in my book, to be sure ! :D
First, thanks for reading my blog and leaving a comment. I love to interact with people here!Hey @veryspider
I tried my best to write something educational and from the heart as well, like I always do.
My talented husband (the photographer), my little dog (the guardian of the village), baby Theodore and myself send you lots of love!