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RE: Marvel vs Marvel: The Gifted vs The Inhumans

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Sadly, Inhumans has been total trash. So upsetting because this story has so much potential. What they've already set up with Agents of Shield could have been perfect, and it seems like they almost tied it in too; by sending Triton to find people on earth who 'changed' and had no one to guide them.

They should have set out to write a 22 episode Season, that explained JUST THAT alone!!!!!! Along with, taking the time to 'explain' this "Caste System" and develop Characters who Did not LIKE the system; so that they could have BUILT UP towards Maxiumus leading a rebellion .........

MOST of which should have not happened till the END of the season; setting us up for an awesome Season 2; all while they are simply trying to help people on Earth; and from there all sorts of dram and chaos could unfold; b/c on One hand they're trying to help people on earth; on the other hand, the people in Attilan would be in Uphevel making it perhaps, Not the best place for Earth-Inhumans to Go either;

Marvel should hire me to write for them

What they gave us has been rushed, and trash because of how much they skip, and how much 'drama' they're trying to create but no one feels it, because it's been rushed. I have not seen "The Gifted" yet but am going to start; Fox is starting to get their "Marvel ish" together it seems; I heard Legion was dope - now if only they can make a quality X-men film :)


So here's the thing. The Gifted is brilliant. Fox is outdoing Marvel with their own characters on this one. I'm a huge fan so far of The Gifted, due to their characterizations, and even their action scenes. Inhumans "tried too hard" to be a big production (based off of where it started, as a movie). And it could never recover from that.

I agree, starting with the rebellion was rushed, and using flashbacks all the time just says you started the story in the wrong place. I disagree about "building towards an awesome season 2"...because Arrow taught us a great lesson about superhero shows "Don't wait for a tomorrow that will never come." and "There are ALWAYS more plotlines to draw from!"

They setup a plot, and resolved a plot for the first few seasons, and it worked so well it's spawned an entire TV universe.

But this isn't a Berlanti production, this is Marvel producing their own characters, and they've dropped the ball completely.

Inhumans could have been pretty fantastic, if they had any idea how to portray the characters without seeming flat, and lifeless.

Oh, and they HAD to get them off the moon because the sets looked like CRAP, and it gave them an excuse to film in Hawaii...They couldn't spend an entire season just in Attlian.

But I agree, Agents of SHIELD was a GREAT tie-in and they didn't want to do it.

Oh... if they had done the Agents of SHIELD tie-in, that ALONE would've given them great ground. But instead, all we get are a few references and Easter eggs.

Hope you've started on The Gifted, though?! That series just keeps getting better by the episode!

I'm hearing great things on The Gifted. I'm going to start watching this weekend for sure!

I'm so disappointed they didn't tie in with Agents of Shield. Oh well, they've already mailed this series in :)

I highly suggest the Gifted, compared to the Inhumans. Just a well-done show, with lots of interesting characters, and great action....unlike the jumbled action, and poorly set and paced scenes in the Inhumans.

Not to mention the dreadful sets....great locations (Hawaii is famous for locations)...but did nothing to make me CARE about the characters or the location!

The Gifted secret base, of an abandoned building has CHARACTER. Their defense and location are all well explained. The Inhuamsn have a 'secret base on the moon" and is only hidden through no fault of the inhabitants, or the head of SECURITY...just sillyness!

I highly suggest the Gifted, compared to the Inhumans. Just a well-done show, with lots of interesting characters, and great action....unlike the jumbled action, and poorly set and paced scenes in the Inhumans.

Not to mention the dreadful sets....great locations (Hawaii is famous for locations)...but did nothing to make me CARE about the characters or the location!

The Gifted secret base, of an abandoned building has CHARACTER. Their defense and location are all well explained. The Inhuamsn have a 'secret base on the moon" and is only hidden through no fault of the inhabitants, or the head of SECURITY...just sillyness!

Absolutely LOVE The Gifted so far! Very well done, by comparison to the Ihhumans. Right budget, right actors, right sets and costumes! The complete opposite of the Ihumans, in fact.