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RE: To Support Unconditionally

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

This is beautiful

It's so easy, when the people we care about are going through a tough time, to become overwhelmed by our own insecurities and to try and get them out of that state just so we can feel good again. But the truth is, when we act that way, it's never for them.

When we go through a difficult time, our body needs to go through a certain phase before it can recover. You need to give it space to process those emotions, because they're there for a reason. It's just part of the process. And resisting them will only prolong the suffering.

It takes a lot of courage to allow him to go through what he needs to go through without trying to change or control him. You did the right thing, and he's lucky to be with someone who can just sit with his pain and allow it to be.

Guys aren't generally socialized to share their emotions, but if you can get him to talk, just listening without trying to fix the problem will also do wonders.

Keep it up :)


Thanks for the feedback thesexologist! Interesting that you bring up the body in the equation, since the body itself does heal much better when the mind sleeps, which is similar to what you mentioned about giving our emotional body, so to speak, space to process things. I have found that it is definitely not the "natural", or should I say, "automatic" thing to do, but as you say it does do wonders. Since my husband woke up this morning, he seemed completely out of the depression and he told me today that it was nice for him to hear when I shared with him what I realized last night.

Lovely comment here. There are such amazing humans on steemit. You also manage to give your personal experience this comment which leave further help for others who join the conversation much later. Ultimate, sometimes we have to let go and allow ourselves to be humans. Sometimes, this some humility. Sometimes our being tend to want to be superhuman and frown at things like depression, sadness, breakdown etc and it starts to come us as weakness even. But is it? We aren't perfect! If the invincible Creator Jehovah gets sad sometimes, them who are we?