Back in February when I reached level 50 some goals that I wanted to achieve were set. These goals were within my reach yet I failed at a few of them and achieved others faster then expected. So here is where I was at and what I wanted to achieve:
As of 2/13/18
Current SP: 256.941
Leased Delegation: 572.243
Reputation level: 50
Followers: 165
Posts: 934 (mainly comments)
Est Account Value: $1,244.34
Post 3 times per week minimum (Failed)
Comment on 5 posts per day (Achieved)
Find 5 new authors each week to give an upvote to (failed, but achieved many weeks)
Reach 500 SP by 05/13/2018 (Achieved)
Currently I am here:
Current SP: 550.773
Leased Delegation: 1,309.245
Reputation level: 55
Followers: 392 (huge increase!)
Posts: 1964 (mainly comments)
Est Account Value: $1,274.96
Current Steem Price: $1.80485USD (per SteemWorld)
Current SBD Price: $1.92237USD (per SteemWorld)
Have added the current prices so when looking back upon these posts over time I can see the changes in price as they effected my account. Think it will be a fun reference point.
Source: Pixabay
Want to talk first about my change in mindset. For a while there I was on a mission to find bloggers who would give me an upvote for my comments trying to build my SP. Being completely honest some of my comments weren't pure of motivation. Yet even still I put effort into each comment and never just commented BS to get a was just those I selected to spend time commenting on was based on if I might get a vote in return. I was trying to use my time best to achieve monetary gains to grow my account.
The problem with this is if everyone is looking up the food chain for the scraps to be passed down we are always forgetting about those that are lower on the food chain. |
Over the last couple months I have been more focused on growing while helping the community. My voting is spread out over 135 accounts over the last 7 days with 369 upvotes given and 10.01% being self votes (10.01 % self, 369 upvotes, 135 accounts, last 7d source SteemWorld as of writing). At some point I'd like to get my self vote down to zero, but I'll be honest right now I have a lot of leased SteemPower and it needs to be paid for. Can't help others without sometimes helping myself.
My change in mindset wasn't overnight and it took some work. One of the things that really helped was on my entry#loveitshoveit challengeMy Words Used Against me. Ouch! & Thank You!! to @snowpea @trudeehunter was kind enough to give me a little slap upside the head and call me out. Which then lead to post in which I admitted I was making excuses for not blogging. Once again thank you to @trudeehunter for giving a little tough love that was needed at that exact moment in time. This really refocused me on actually blogging like my goals said I would back in February.
Another shift in my thought process is due to the constant reminders from @tarazkp about community, bid bots, and other Steemit issues. Can't pinpoint exactly what post changed my mindset as it took a many posts talking about the issues that face steemit. From his posts and those he linked to I have changed my approach to my blog posts and no longer am paying for votes. My rewards will be whatever I earn from my blogging efforts, not some inflated number that I paid for.
Curation League. This week she took second place and deserves a little recognition for her efforts.Can't talk about mindset without mentioning a steemian that goes out of her way to engage with other steemians. She helps promote other peoples work selflessly and is always leaving positive encouraging comments on other peoples posts. She is consistently a top contender or winner in @abh12345
@lynncoyle1 is in my opinion one of the most undervalued steemians on Steemit. |
Followers (My Community)
There are a lot of other interactions from my growing follower base that have made me want to help others more then worrying about the rewards I will personally see. The rewards are coming in the form of what I consider friendships and if someday there are monetary rewards to go with the friendships that is just a bonus. Not to list all the people who I've met and that have helped shape my shift from a business like mindset to a community one, but please know you are all appreciated.
Currently thanks to feedback from my little community of steemit friends we came up with a contest that is doing great! The #payitforward is about to wrap up the first week and the feedback has been amazing! There is still some time to enter this week's contest and if you miss it nest week will be round 2. This contest has received enough support to continue it for at least the next 3 weeks and I fully expect longer and increased prized. |
A little Plug for the Contest: The Pay It Forward Curation Contest is about featuring other Steemians that you feel deserve larger rewards and audience then they are currently receiving. While it's great to nice things for others a contest needs some prizes and I choose sponsorship to @steembasicincome program for the winners and to place a @steem-bounty on the comments to make sure everyone gets a prize. This contest truly lets everyone win by helping others, getting rewards at post payout, and potential to win lifetime votes for your posts.
SteemPower & Reputation Score
A little bit about my increased Steem Power because I think it's important. As my mindset changed about why I am here and as my voting has shifted towards others my focus is to grow an upvote of at least $2 so I can reward those who put out quality content with enough of a vote to really help them. So I have been investing money into steem to power up and my plan is to continue this each week with what I can afford to invest. Plus for now my leased power is much higher to give a short term boost to my voting power and help reward everyone. Will have to let the 300 SP delegation fall off for now as my focus is on investing into long term voting power vs just short term gains.
Sure my reputation score has increased to level 55 and this gave me an opportunity to write and update, but honestly this number is just that...a number. Even though it's just a number it's a good milestone to use as a reflection point and to set some new goals. So as I watched the score slowly increase I thought it was interesting that a vote from @surpassinggoogle was the one that pushed me over the edge. If you don't know about @surpassinggoogle and his efforts for helping smaller members like #untalented, #steemgigs and so many other please make sure to check him out.
Many people think that those that succeed are just lucky, I call BS. More likely they are just people with actionable written Goals.
Currently I am expecting that level 60 will take at least 4 months to achieve as I am not longer paying for votes and each level becomes harder to achieve. So these goals are with that in mind as I will review them and see how I did once reaching level 60.
General Practice Goals:
Post 3 times per week minimum
Comment on 10 posts per day
Give an upvote to at least 20 blogger who I haven't voted for in the past
Not use a bidbot on any posts
Keep #payitforward contest running and expanding each week
Then a couple date based Goals:
Reach 1000 SP by 06/30/2018
Reach 1500 SP by 08/15/2018
To reach my SP goals will require additional cash investment into steem and largely will be dependent on the price of steem as I continue to invest what I can afford. But these investments will bring me closer and closer to having an strong enough upvote to help more steemians grow.
Those of you that took the time to read all of this, thank you for your time! I appreciate your using one of your most valuable assets to read my thoughts today.
Let me know your thoughts. My posts aren't a static piece of information, but rather the starting point of what I hope turns into a conversation. |
I was interested to read that your “Change of mindset didn’t happen overnight and it took some work.” You’ve discovered that achievement is part mental and part physical and unless we adjust our mindsets we will be swayed by disruptions, negativity, excuses etc. One of things I like about you my friend, is that you are willing to learn and expand your thinking which enables growth......and therefore progress. You are prepared to be pupil and teacher in this journey called ‘life’ and that is a very healthy way to be. As you learn, you are then motivated to help others learn and I really admire that. If you continue to make your efforts about helping others you will reap many rewards not asked for nor expected but that is the exciting thing about kindness. I hope many will take a leaf out of your book (myself included) to continue to challenge themselves to not settle for mediocrity. Thank you for taking the time to write such a thoughtful and positive post. It has truly blessed me. 🌺What a wonderful example you are setting for others here in Steemit @thedarkhorse Our mindset plays a huge role in what we achieve on a daily basis and therefore in the long term. It is admirable to have goals and plans but unless we actively do what we need to in order to achieve these goals, they remain good ideas or words on paper.
Thank you for your encouragement, it's always nice to hear. I've was always taught that you need to keep learning, the second you stop is the moment you have started dying. Maybe you don't start to die physically when you stop learning, but mentally and emotionally you do. There is a long story about this that I will need to post one day as it's a story I think many people need to hear.
As for teaching I had a mentor that told me that to master something you must first teach it. After some debate, another long story, I did as he instructed and from there understood what he was talking about. You gain a much greater understanding of something when you are trying to explain it to others, challenged by others, and deal with others who need you to explain it in more then one way. Little things that you "just got" are challenging to someone else so you need to go into more depth and think of new ways to explain it. Overall the experience of teaching some classes was a huge benefit to me in the past and I think to day the mentality carries over.
Me too!
You raise some very interesting points @thedarkhorse. I don’t think we give enough awareness to our emotional, mental and spiritual well being at times. It is easy to put our physical needs first and keep doing that as it feels good, but we are not doing ourselves any favours taking mental shortcuts to avoid internal struggle, conflict or conviction. It is not until we pause to understand other people’s view points, partake in discussions like these, and understand how an individual has reached certain conclusions that we learn more about ourselves; what drives and motivates us, what beliefs and values we choose to pursue and what indeed, we need to do about putting those beliefs into practise. My mind was numb for many years having succumbed to sleeping pill addiction after suffering decades of chronic insomnia. I lost my personality, my voice, my passion and worst of all, my hope. I became a physical recluse and it took a lot of prayers, love, patience and support from my husband and my family to coax me back into finding myself again and re-connecting with people even though I’d be forced to stop mid-sentence because I forgot what I was talking about. It was so tempting to withdraw into my shell every time that happened, but how was that going to benefit my loved ones or myself for that matter? Coming out of that addiction and dealing with a very sluggish brain, and a shockingly poor memory, I’ve really had to push myself to think clearly, build up my confidence once again, and engage with others. It’s still not easy, but it is very rewarding when I conquer every mental milestone I thought I’d never again reach. Now, I’m wanting to cram so much into one day I simply run out of time to achieve all I want to in order to make up for lost time.......(and I’m talking years of seclusion)and have to remind myself that I am not as young as I mentally think I am and it’s ok to rest when I need to. 😊
I'm so sorry that you had to deal with this addition. It's amazing how much effect something like a sleeping pill can have on your body and mind. I had to take strong muscle relaxers and pain meds for a torn ligament in my back for months and I was worthless the entire time. Can't imagine if that had been something which went on longer. It was really hard on myself, but worse on my Wife dealing with me. Your Family sounds like they did what was needed to bring you back. Good thing they were there!
Prescription Pills have their uses but all are toxic to our bodies. I've always been interested in natural therapies but nothing seemed to help with insomnia. Thankfully, after a lot of research I've been able to make a lot of progress. This is why I value this second chance of life and don't want to waste a minute of living to my fullest potential now. Life is so precious.
Completely agree most have a purpose, but they are not good for you. If there is a natural solution it will always be best.
Something I read last night might be of interest to you about sleeping patterns and how modern thinking of sleeping for the entire night is not how it's always been and may not even be the most effective for all people. I'll let you read it without saying more about it. It's interesting as my sleeping patterns are always messed up, but never personally called it insomnia...but others probably would.
369 upvotes, 135 accounts, last 7d not bad not bad at all ,damn good
here's mine I still have a long way to go
2.78 % self, 416 upvotes, 144 accounts, last 7d ) this is mine as of today
I totally agree
LOL he sure does keep me on my toes and on track . I would go to that cold ass end of the world Finland just to shake his hand
That's my goal also , Its a slow process and with patience and hard work we'll get there . One day at a time and just keep spreading the love (helping the community)
Very nice numbers there! Mine were actually really low for total votes as I lost 2 whole days being online this weekend due to work. Then when I was able to get on was having issues with connection and it kept giving out 100% votes when I wanted to do lower. So my voting power got sucked up pretty fast...but that wasn't really a bad thing as I was exhausted and shouldn't have spent anymore time online then I did.
I'm still trying to figure out the correct percentage to vote . Where it gives me the maximum dollars amount to the percentage where I can vote numerous times without depleting my voting power . Right now my 2 concerns are building a foundation and helping the community everything else is just a plus . There's just too much I don't understand yet
I like to make sure to upvote at least 1 full cent on the display. So for me that is 4% today, but typically go with 5% just because it's a round number. But if someone clearly took time on a comment it can be worth much more.
For posts I have been trying to give at least 3 cents, but 4 cents is better. But really depends on my voting power. 3 cents is 15% and 4 is 20%.
But when my voting power was lower I always tried to make sure to upvote with 1 cent each time as a minimum. It's just nice seeing that show up IMO.
Not bad
20% is 0.01 and 25% is 0.02
25% eats up my VP to quick
You can play with the slider bar here:
Looks like you could go all the way down to 8% for a 1 cent upvote so I'd use 9%. and 22% gets you 2 cents or I'd go with 23%.
Those couple percent add up over hundreds of votes in a week.
Thank you @wolfhart! I really appreciate that ;)
I feel like a crazy person now :D
crazy like a fox :)
Hey! I remembered we were both at rep50 when we set the target of 55. Well, I had reached and passed that and currently at rep58. But thats because I spent hundreds of SBD on bid bots.... 😞😞
I know your payitforward challenge and will write a post soon. But I get confused over the steembasicincome and steem-bounty, not sure how they work. But its fine, not looking for any reward out of it.
This is similar to an idea that I had for introduceafriend. But your creation is much more well thought with very concise rules. Good job!
I do remember when we talked about our goals of hitting 55. At the time I was also using bots and what a difference it makes in achieving higher unearned scores.
Just a quick overview because I'd rather you know what they are, Steem Basic Income (SBI) is a automatic vote each time you post. It's a very small upvote, but every little bit helps and it's forever.
The bounty program is an amount that is paid by the author. 80% of that amount (3 SBD in this case) goes towards the people the author upvotes and is based on the % of the total voting weight I gave out. So if I upvoted 10 comments at equal weight everyone would get 1/10th of the reward. The other 20% is based on the weight of all of the other votes comments get. So if you see a quality comment and give them a little upvote they will get more of the "community" portion of the reward.
This community portion is why I downvoted a couple comments. The spammers jumped over and upvoted themselves trying to get a portion of the reward without even bothering to read the post. I have zero issue flagging a spammer.
Glad you like the contest and hope you get an entry in. If not this current one week 2 starts tomorrow.
I take a little time off and look at what I miss! Thank you so much for the shout-out here @thedarkhorse. Your words made me tear up a little I must admit!
I've watched the slow change in you over the last few weeks, and it's you who I'm so proud of! Your contest is a culmination of those changes I think. It takes we women, like @trudeehunter, to whip a guy like you into shape haha
Thank you again! You've made my evening! :)
You sound like my She says it's also why I have 2 girls to make sure they can keep making me a better Man.
hahaha sometimes we women really do think alike :)
It's always daughters with strong fathers who grow up to be strong women who never get taken advantage of by other men! (I just re-read that; it's a mouthful, but if you read it slow, it makes sense haha)
Sometimes? sure just sometimes.
Don't worry I'm used to translating woman gibberish. But they are pretty smart independent kids so far, just hope it carries over as they get older.
Good parenting and fingers crossed, because I do think there's some luck thrown in there too :)
I am really hoping that all of this pay of in the long run for everyone who puts in the effort. I think that if it does and for those who do, there will be a peace of mind that no coin can buy.
There are more ways to have it pay off then monetary so IMO it's already paying off. But lets be honest, seeing the money flow is nice too!
Thanks for the positive mention dude! :D
You are very deserving of the mention and my Witness Vote! Keep up the good work and thank you for all your efforts!
I heard that on discord exist some bot which can tell ypu your stats. Do you know it channel name or something.
BTW. congratulation for your statistics :)
Free way to get your stats, we don't need a bot to do it.
Bots are not your friend, avoid them as their sole purpose is to take your money.
Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 7 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.
I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 17 SBD worth and should receive 77 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.
I am
, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

An excellent elaboration @thedarkhorse. It is really a nice piece of many steemians life stories. The topic is really representing of steemians feelings. How we grow and build our reputation and followers. I like to read your story. Thanks